Chapter 13

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The following week arrived. Kylie hadn't stood me up that past week and I was relieved. Everything was going quite well even though I had not started on my project as yet. I had not found that inspiration as yet and like Janine said, I was trying not to rush it.

Henry and I kept hanging out and had the best times ever. I ignored the fact that I was not proud of his behaviour, my love for him was bigger than any shitty behaviour he did.

I sat in the cafeteria at lunch, waiting for Kylie but she did not pitch. I was sure that she was with Tim. What did Tim feed my girl that got her so obsessed with the guy? Kylie even had wooden letters in the form of TK in her room, that's how much she loved the guy. The two were so in love that you would envy them. As cute as the couple was, Tim took most of our girl-time and made it his and I hated that.

Henry took a sit next to me and we went on to laugh and talk. I asked him if he had seen Kylie but he told me that he didn't. He also said that she might be with Tim. See, everybody knew that if she was not with me, she had to be with Tim.

The bell rang and I went to my next class, Chemistry. Kylie came in five minutes later and sat in the front. She did not seem like herself. Her eyes looked bloodshot red and she didn't come in with a smile like she usually did. She loved Chemistry and coming into the class made her happy, but not that day.

During the lesson, I kept looking up at her. She didn't even seem to be concentrating on whatever Mr Tanicho was saying. She was just writing whatever on the paper that was in front of her, it was more like scribbling than writing. She propped her hand against her face and never faced up, not even once. Mr Tanicho called on her twice and Kylie did not answer him, she seemed like she was lost in her thoughts and nothing around her was audible or existed for that matter. It was just her and whatever she was going through.

I wondered what was wrong, who upset her during lunch? It better not be Emma because I was going to freaking murder her if she did. I was capable- not of murder but of murdering anyone who hurt my loved ones, especially Kylie. She was so important to me and I did not like to see her hurting. It was not a good look on her. I preferred the grin that she always had on.

"Cargo!" Mr Tanicho called once again.

"S...sir." Kylie looked startled.

"Back to class." He said to her and Kylie nodded but she still dived into her thoughts. I could not keep my eyes off her, I was really worried about her.

"Stop looking at her, what's wrong with you? Staring is rude."

"I think something is wrong." I whispered to Henry. She looked at Kylie for a while then nodded in agreement.

I could not wait for the freaking bell to ring and it seemed to drag. I could not take anymore of Mr Tanicho's lesson and I had to check on my best friend.

I did not see Kylie for the remainder of that day. So when the bell for home time rang, I made sure to rush to her car and wait for her there. She came and got inside the car. The drive was quiet. Kylie's eyes were focused on the road and she would sniffle every now and then. I gave her a worrisome look each time I heard the sniffle sound that filled the car.

The car  stopped in front of my house and she unlocked the door without saying a word to me. Was she mad at me or something?

"Kylie, are you okay?" I asked her.

"Uh... yea I'm okay. See you tomorrow."

"Kylie, we've been best friends for seven years. You can't lie to me, I know you."

She let out a huge breath and as she did, her muscles seemed to relax a little. She tried to speak but her breathing seemed to get heavier. Her eyes grew glossy and red and she tried to blink the tears away. She gripped on her steering wheel hard that I saw her nails dig into the steering wheel cover. I couldn't stand to look at her like that, I did not remember the last time I saw her that miserable. I wondered what must have happened but Kylie looked like she was not ready to talk.

"Can I come in? Is there ice cream?" She asked.

"Yes, my mom bought a tub yesterday."

"Good." She managed to blink her tears away. She then drove into my driveway and parked her car there.

My parents weren't home that day as well. I gave her the tub and a very huge spoon to eat with, she could finish all of it for all I care (even though it was my favorite flavor- vanilla), as long as she would be okay at the end of the day. We sat down and watched the new episodes of 13 reasons why on Netflix.

My heart sank when I saw her rashly wipe a tear off of her face. I scooted closer to her and cuddled her. I gave her a peck on her cheek, then I let her lay her head on my shoulder. As I started to rub her arm, she started pouring the tears out. She was wetting my favorite hoodie but at that point I did not even care. She hyperventilated and I felt my heart clench. What happened? I wondered. Her sobs filled the whole room and I paused the series that we were watching.

"Tim and I broke up." She said after ten minutes of crying unto my shoulder. I gasped in surprise. I did not believe what I was hearing.

"What, why?" She withdrew her head from shoulder and sat up, wiping the tears off her face. I gave her a box of tissues.

"I caught him cheating. He was kissing some sophomore girl named Aubrey--"

"Whaaaaat! I am so sorry friend. He's a freak jerk and you deserve much better than him. I'm really sorry."

"I can't believe that he cheated Elle, I really cannot. I did everything for that guy. I even  cancelled our girls' night out because he wanted to go out with me. I actually thought I was as important to him as he was important to me. I thought that he genuinely loved me, I was a fool this whole time."

"No you were not, he was the fool for cheating on a gorgeous motherfucker like you alright? Don't ever look down on yourself because of a dick face like Tim."

She tried to smile but it was forced, she was in so much pain and that brought so much pain to me.

"I'm so going to murder Tim when I see him."

"Don't." She placed her hand on mine, she knew that I was capable. Nobody hurt my girl and got away with it.

"I'm freaking in love with him, why didn't he freaking do this when I wasn't? That would make my life so much easier right now."

"We can't change it. He's still a jerk face and I never want to see him again. As for you, we are going shopping tomorrow alright?" I said to her and she nodded. I wished there was something I could do to make all that pain vanish, I hated to see the people I loved get hurt.

That kind of proved Henry's theory right. He also said that as teenagers, our intentions are not always the same when we start a relationship and a relationship did not necessarily mean commitment and loyalty, not in our day and age. To someone, a relationship may mean flinging and playing around but to someone else it may be way more than that, it may be deeper than that. Which is why Henry told his girls at the start that whatever they were doing, did not have to mean shit. I think I was starting to comprehend what Henry was coming from, and I think I'm starting to fall to that side as well- not that I did not believe in love and no, I wasn't going to do flings, I had way better things to do with my time thank you very much.

Why would Tim date Kylie for ten months then cheat on her? Why did he wait ten full months to cheat? They were so perfect together, I did not know of a cuter couple, and that's a fact.

I could not help but worry about how they were going to do their project. I bet at that moment Kylie felt like love was trashy. I did not blame her though. How were they even going to work together on the project? I did not want to make Kylie cry so I did not say a word about it.


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