Chapter 32

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I squealed in joy when I saw my cousin, Maddison. Maddison was my nineteen year-old cousin and growing up, we were like twins. We were so close until my aunt, her mom, bought a new house miles away so we do not see each other as much as before. I did not know that she was coming.

"What are you doing here and why didn't you tell me that you were coming?"

"I wanted to surprise you, duh!" She said and took me in for a hug.

"I'm so happy that you are here." I said.

"I'm so happy to see you." She said.

"Where's your mom?"

"She went out with Uncle Rick to buy some stuff, our moms are baking tonight." By Uncle Rick, she meant my dad.

"So, how was school?"

"It was okay. You know how school is. Anyway, how's your first year in college?"

"It is aweeesome." She exclaimed.

"College is great Elle, I love it. The boys are cute as hell and don't get me started on the lecturers."

"Maddie! You are not telling me you're into older guys are you?"

"No, of course not but they are hot and I'm allowed to crush right?"

"Yea you are."

"Also, the parties are crazy Elle. They are awesome. I can't wait for you to experience all of that next year."

"Do you have a boyfriend? Tell me about your roommate." I said as we went up to my room.

Maddison and I never stopped talking, she always had something to tell me. That was the first time we've met ever since she started college and we hadn't really talked about it. I guess I would be spending that night catching up with her.

"I don't have a boyfriend yet. But I have eyes on this other hot guy cuz, hot. He has this deep voice that just makes me pee a little every time he talks to me. His british accent mesmerizes me all the freaking time and oh my word don't get started on his dark complexion, baby, he is just so handsome that you would not think that he is twenty."

"He sure sounds like boyfriend material."

"You know. He majors in Economics as well, I met him at a party and I instantly wanted to know him a little bit more. We were both not feeling it that day and we hung by the pool, exchanged numbers and all that. His name is Treasure. Now that is my potential boyfriend."

"Have you guys went out, dates and stuff like that?"

"We talk, meet along the halls and we always coincidentally meet. He hasn't asked me out yet and that sucks cuz, what the heck is he waiting for? I mean, I think I have sent enough hints."

"Just tell him how you feel, otherwise you're going to wait forever."

"Girl, I'm not doing that. I would not be able to endure the nerves that come along with it. I'd rather wait for him to make the move."

"Oh okay, let's hear about your roommate then."

She started telling me about her roommate Glenda, she said that she was boring so they never really hang out. Glenda was doing her final year and Maddie said that she was thankful for that and she wanted someone new to move in.

"So, what about you? Any boyfriend?" Luckily, my mom called us at that time so I would not answer Maddison. She would also tell me that I was eighteen and should get a boyfriend and all that crap and I was simply not ready for another lecture from her when I had gotten one from my mother.

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