Chapter 11

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Two weeks passed, and Monday was just another school day that sucked as well. It was raining and I just wanted to get in my blankets and never come out. Every teacher that taught, made me drowsy. Especially Mrs Nelson since she had a very soft voice.

Lunch was great though, the three of us were an unbeatable trio. We were like the three musketeers. I hoped that Henry did not mind being the only boy in the group. We were always together; we went for movies together, a normal lunch and we sometimes did a Netflix and chill at Henry's or Kylie's. But most of the times, Kylie had to bail because well...Tim but we understood. Henry and I would not mind spending those nights together. I enjoyed his company a lot and our bond was getting tighter by the minute.

Pizza was on the menu that day and I made sure to have lots of it while Kylie had one slice of it. She's 'watching her weight and health'. Her words not mine. I'd like to believe that that's rich people's stuff and I wasn't going to bother myself convincing her otherwise. She tried to get me to go on a diet with her or jog with her, I strongly refused. Imagine, me, Elena Navia Monroe, jogging and eating half an ounce of food or just green? I wasn't going to do that to myself. I wasn't going to deprive myself off delicious food because I had to watch my weight- this shit was meant to be eaten. Also, it wasn't like I was gaining any weight. I was lucky enough not to; PE also kind of helped even though I bunked it most of the times. I'd been wearing size twenty eight since sophomore year and I was thankful for that.

Then home time arrived and Kylie was nowhere to be found. I got a text from her telling me that she went home with Tim and she was sorry. Yea, I was not actually mad but sometimes I would really like a heads up so that I could get someone to go home with. And like the last time, I was stranded. I sat on the bench and actually fell asleep. By then, I should have known to carry Uber money for emergencies or maybe save up for a car.

I was woken up by Janine.

"Hey Monroe."

"Hi Janine." I blinked my eyes to get a clear vision of her since I was still drunk from sleep.

"How are you?" She asked as she sat next to me.

"Tired. Yourself?"

"Same." She groaned.

"Are you going to let me take you home this time?"

I sighed heavily and thought back to Kylie. You know what, screw Kylie, I needed a ride home.

"Sure, why not?" I said.

We both stood up and went to her car. I got into the passenger seat. The car smelt really good, it had a scent of vanilla and strawberry to it. She started driving and asked for the directions to my house. I told her that I would direct her as she drives.

"So... how's your project going?" She asked.

"I haven't started, no inspiration whatsoever. I decided to give it a little bit of time."

"That's a great idea."

"Did you end up doing your presentation?"

"Yep! Aced it!"

"As if that's a surprise. You are Janine Nelson after all." She smiled a proud smile and I mirrored it.

The car came to a halt and I thanked her for the ride.

"Anytime Elle." She said before driving off.

I got into the house and again nobody was home but this time I decided that I would go to Henry's and work on the project or just hang out. I changed my shoes and wore slip-ons then took a pear and went off to Henry's house.

He didn't take time getting to the door.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Hi," he said back and gestured for me to come in. He offered me water but I turned him down and because I was too comfortable at his house then, I went up to his room without getting permission from him.

"I'm bored at home so I figured I should come here,"I said to him. He threw a bag of chips at me and I caught it before it hit my face.

"Careful, that's my face."

"Whatever. It'd be better with the bag of chips on it, that'd be an upgrade really." I gasped at his words.

"We both know which face needs an upgrade." I said and he threw a teddy bear at me.

"A teddy bear?" I held it and hysterically laughed at him. I could not help it, why would a boy own a teddy bear?

"Shut up!"

"Little Henry needs Mr Stuffy to cuddle with when going to bed?" I said in a tone I would use when talking to a baby or toddler.

"Shut up Elle." He said again, meaning it that time but I did not stop laughing at him. He soon joined in. My stomach started to hurt from all the laughing and I clenched it with my hand. I soon stopped and we did some homework.

He received a call and he answered with so much excitement.

"Yea?" I heard him say. "Sure I'll be there in a few minutes," he continued to say and I got confused. I wondered who it was, then I thought that it was probably Tasha. When he hung up the call, I asked him who it was.

"Was it Tasha?" I asked.

"No, it was Mandy, she just called me to come to her place so... I have to go. Sorry, hope it's not a problem."

"Mandy? Weren't you with Tasha?"

"Maybe, I don't know." He said as he took a few condoms and shoved them in the pocket of the hoodie that he was wearing.

"Was that a booty call?" I asked in surprise and he was getting ready in a rush that he did not have time to answer my questions. He sprayed cologne on himself, it smelt so good. It had to be a booty call, I thought to myself.

"Are you dating Mandy?"

"Who said anything about dating?" He asked back. Woah! What was happening?

"Also, isn't Mandy dating Parker?" I had never been that confused in my entire life.

"Dating Parker, smashing me," he said with a smirk on his face, showing pride in his words. I could not believe what I was hearing. That was the third girl, if not more that Henry was sleeping with and I was starting to get concerned. I did not think that he was that type of guy. I stood there in surprise, not being able to move, pretty much the same expression I had when Emma and Henry were kissing. I could not believe my ears. He slipped on his white converse and worked on tying his shoelaces.

"What the heck are you saying Henry? What's going on?"

"I would love to sit down and break it down to you Navia but I really gotta go before the girl's parents arrive. I love you and see you tomorrow."  We were outside. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and just left me there, frozen.

"Come on in, let me go drop you off."

"No, I will be alright. Thanks."

"Come in Navia."

"I said no," I strongly said and he drove off, leaving me on his driveway. I also could not believe what I was seeing. He was rushing to go smash. That was his third girl. I still felt like him and I had to talk. I never pictured Henry as that type. First it was Emma, then Tasha now Mandy? Who was next?

I walked to my house, that whole thing was not leaving my mind. So Henry was one of those guys that had one motive- getting into as many girls' pants as possible. I never thought I'd have a best friend like that.

When I got home, all I did was eat some hake then went to bed. I did not want to stay up any longer because then the thoughts would come at me like a hurricane with an urge to destroy my sleep the whole night.


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