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──────═✿═──────『 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 - 𝟎𝟑𝟑 』──═✿═──━『 Curse mark 』

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『 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 - 𝟎𝟑𝟑 』
━『 Curse mark 』

(this chapter has themes of blades on skin - not in a suicidal i wanna kms way, but just letting you know in case anything of the sort of blades cutting the skin triggers anyone, misaki isn't doing the cutting)

━ 𝓊𝒸𝒽𝒾𝒽𝒶 𝓂𝒾𝓈𝒶𝓀𝒾 ━

he next morning, upon waking up, the same hollow feeling was there in my chest, a tedium. I got up, and nausea hit me like a wave, so I had to run into the bathroom; I narrowly made it to the toilet before I vomited; the retching left me weak and shaking.

I rinsed my mouth out, then brushed my teeth, trying to get rid of the taste. My curse mark throbbed with a sharp, severe pain as I stood there, leaning heavily on the sink, pangs shooting down my neck and shoulder.

I turned to look at my reflection in the mirror, where dark circles waited right under my eyes—the skin white as ashes. I was being pulled under, weighed down by the tugging and tearing of these past days—from Naruto's breakup to the relentless torment of Hanami.

Everything was spiraling out of control.

I took a deep breath and then splashed my face with cold water to clear my mind. Somewhat refreshing—it was quite a shock to my system from the temperature change—it didn't do anything to mitigate the ache in my curse mark, reminding me about the volatile power inside of me that could consume me any second.

I walked back into my bedroom, sat down on the very edge of the bed—feeling my body weight with exhaustion. I couldn't help but go over in my head the argument with Naruto, the bitter words spoken and silent; how much he'd looked at me with anguish.

I was consumed by regret, and still I couldn't rid myself of the emotions that had compelled me to push him away.

I couldn't afford to break down now. I needed to be strong, no matter how overwhelming everything felt.

Suddenly, the idea rammed its way through the hazy despair. Orochimaru—he had again unraveled my seal, maybe he could do it again. I remembered whispers in the village—some said Orochimaru's clone replaced Anko. It was, of course, a dangerous move, but there was no other way out for me.

I saw Anko inside, sitting with Guy and Kurenai, as I approached the Dango shop. They seemed to have a light discussion—not like the heap that was piling up in my mind. I sucked in a deep breath, willing myself not to betray the anxiety, then made my way to their table.

"Anko-sensei," I settled for, trying to modulate the sound of my voice steady but urgent.

She looked up, and her eyes locked slightly with mine as if she judged me. Guy and Kurenai looked at one another, but they said no words; the atmosphere was too heavy.

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