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imagine fifty three | innocent attraction
SUMMARY; he's slightly older with a dominant energy but despite him being your boss, you still have such attraction to him
WARNINGS; language, angst!, fluff, slightly older dominant derek!, protective derek

"but i'll admit, this attraction is very much reciprocated."


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THIS WAS SOMETHING YOU COULD'VE NEVER IMAGINE HAPPENING TO YOU. honestly this was all rather terrifying and you wanted it all to stop, while at the same time you didn't. you were enjoying this fiery thrill despite how much it had you in your head. and never would you have thought you could be attracted to someone older than you. though life has a way of surprising people and it was your turn to be heavily surprised. it was so unexpected and you couldn't figure out what triggered this to happen.

crushes were a normal thing to have. everyone normally experiences a few crushes here and there throughout their life. of course it shouldn't be anything to be ashamed or embarrassed of. though who it was seemed to be the reason you were rather ashamed a bit. it was a secret you would take the grave with you, trying your hardest to keep it to yourself and hidden. you wouldn't dare let anyone find out about your crush.

unfortunately for you, you just so happened to have a crush on your boss at work who was slightly older than you. of course it was just a minor crush, an innocent attraction to your boss who you did look up to a bit. but the more you got into your head about it, there was definitely a dynamic neither of you would dare to speak about.

you were someone, who at first, was rather very shy and introverted when you first started at his company. it was a brand new environment that you needed to adjust to so you kept to yourself and your head down as you eased into the workplace. over time, you developed friendships with a few co workers and that got you to let some of your guard down a bit. but of course, you began to gravitate toward your boss who had been the first one to assure you if you needed anything, or if anyone were to start anything negative with you, to come to him.

this made you feel comforted, and the constant reassurance was something you didn't know you didn't know you really needed. however the more time that went by, the more you found yourself really bonding with him.

he wasn't those typical boss's where they were utterly terrifying and if you did one tiny little mistake, you would have your ass handed to you. no, as long as you did your job and caused no drama, you were in the clear. it was a laid back environment despite some of the stressful work load that could pile up here and there. everyone worked together as a team and you really liked that, especially with a boss who had everyone's back when needed.

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