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Plot : when you both got in an argument and he leaves the house in the middle of the night.

Non idol

Readers name : Wong Li Ang

Word count : 1164


You exhaled a deep breath, trying to calm yourself

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You exhaled a deep breath, trying to calm yourself. Looking at the wall clock hanging on the wall, you could feel rage bubbling inside you.

8:21 pm

Today, Sicheng was supposed to come home a bit early and you both were going to go on a date. Since both of you were working, it made it difficult to spend much time together since Monday to Saturdays were always very tiring, not leaving any strength in the both of you to do anything. Sundays, when you both had holidays, you both just wanted to stay in and laze around in bed all day, wanting to gain the energy to start work again.

This schedule left little to no time to just spend on being a couple and going on dates. It saddened you both so after having enough of it, you both planned a dinner date at one of your favourite restaurants.

You were super excited to finally go on a date after so many weeks. Since the booking at the place was of 7pm, you came home at 5 as an early leave to get ready since you generally left work at 7. You wore one of your favourite outfits, it being elegant but comfortable at the same time. You put much time and effort in your hair and makeup, all to look pretty for your boyfriend.

 You put much time and effort in your hair and makeup, all to look pretty for your boyfriend

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6:30 pm

You sighed, now feeling worried about why your boyfriend wasn't home yet. You both were supposed to leave at this time to reach the restaurant at the time of booking. Sicheng was supposed to come home max by 6, and him being 30 minutes late made you think about what could have happened.

Did he find traffic?
Why didn't he tell me he'd be late though?
Did he get into an accident?
Should I call him?
Or....did he forget?

You shook off the negative thoughts and texted him to ask where he was.

7:40 pm

You were getting impatient now. You had been waiting since the past 2 hours for him to come back and surprise surprise, he wasn't home. He didn't even reply to the messages you left him or read them. You tried calling him several times but all of them went straight to voicemail.

At this point, you couldn't help but feel the worry turn into annoyance. What was so important that he was doing that he was this late and couldn't even reply to your messages?

You huffed and just gave up on the date night, your mood completely ruined. You called the restaurant and let them know you were cancelling the reservation since they had already called you a few times to ask if you were still coming and you had stalled them from giving the table to someone else by telling them you were stuck in traffic.

You wanted to get up and change from the dress you were wearing but you couldn't find the energy to. It suddenly felt like all your energy dissipated into thin air, the previous jovial mood replaced by a frown.

You were so in your thoughts that you didn't know when you fell asleep.

The beeping of the door code and the stumbling of a figure in the house woke you up from sleep. You yawned as you looked at the time.

10:49 pm

All the sleep vanished from your system as you stood up and marched towards the door and saw the slouched figure of tour boyfriend against the shoe rack.

"Dong Sicheng" you called.

That was when your boyfriend looked up at you, his eyes raking over your appearance. Suddenly his eyes widened as he looked at his phone and at the time.


"What excuse are you going to make?"

"I'm so sorry Li, I completely just forgot about the date. I had a successful meeting so me and the coworkers went to celebrate. I'm sorry, I really thought that the date was for tomorrow, I lost track of which day it was today." He said, his head hung low.

"Sicheng, you knew how excited I was for today, how much planning we had to do just to schedule this date. Why, then why? How could you do this?" You said, tears emerging in your eyes.

He was guilty. He loved you so much that knowing the fact that he hurt you, even if it wasn't his intention made him extremely upset, upset at himself.

He wanted to let you know that he didn't do it purposefully, that it was just a slip up, he was also human. But words couldn't seem to escape his mouth as he listened to you telling him how you felt. He was frustrated, mostly at himself rather than the situation at that moment. Had he not forgotten to check the date or set a reminder in his calendar, this night would have ended differently.

You seemed to take notice into the fact that he was zoning out and it pissed you off that he wasn't even paying attention to you.

"SICHENG" you exclaimed, trying to get his attention back.

Your boyfriend flinched, as he looked up to be met with your angry eyes.

"Are you even listening to what I was saying?"

He wanted to speak, but no words left his mouth and all he could do was nod. The lack of the answer was misunderstood by you as a disrespectful answer in the given situation and that made you even more angry. All the pent up frustration from work, tonight and just life was too much for you to handle as you let your emotions flow out and you took action before you could even comprehend it.


The sound echoed in the silent hallway as you were brought to your senses by the loud sound. Your eyes widened to see a red mark imprinting your boyfriends fare, soft skin. When you finally looked at his face, his eyes specifically, for the first time in the 1 year you had dated, you saw tears.

Your heart broke at the sight of your boyfriend crying. You looked at your trembling hand. You couldn't believe what you had just done. Before you could say anything, Sicheng walked out of the door, leaving you alone with your guilt and a wounded heart.


I just wanted to write some angst and get some drama in this book cuz I noticed that even though some of my stories have angst in them, they always end on a happy note which is not very realistic always.

So I tried to leave it open ended in this one!

Let me know your thoughts and if I should make a part 2 with an ending and also if it should be a sad one or happy one!

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