Haechan pt 1

450 15 4

Plot : Your boyfriend is busy gaming while you lie on his bed bored. You think of a creative idea to get his attention but it doesn't really go as planned.

Part (1/2)

Non idol au

Readers name : Bae Hyerim

Word count : 1336


You sighed for the nth time as you put your phone down on the bedside table

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You sighed for the nth time as you put your phone down on the bedside table. Your boyfriend had called you over at his place to spend some time and spend the night there too since it was the weekend. You immediately agreed, also wanting to spend some time with him but this isn't what you expected at all.

Donghyuck was just playing games online with his friends and ever since you had come to his place, he hadn't given you much of his attention, only responding with short sentences to any questions you asked. You would have understood if he wanted to play for some time but the fact that he was playing since before you came to his house in the evening till now made you pissed.

You stared at the back of your boyfriend's head, wondering why he called you if he didn't want to spend time with you. As much as you wanted to ask him that, you didn't want him to think you were some attention seeking bitch who whined for him 24/7, even if it would be justified since you had been patiently waiting since the past 3 hours you'd been here.

Another reason was that Donghyuck had his mic on so if you would ask him that, his friends would also probably think bad of you and tell your boyfriend how clingy you were, which you didn't want.

You were going to divert your attention to your phone again when suddenly you heard your boyfriend shout at someone and let out a loud groan. You assumed that his character probably died looking at him now sitting with his hands in his lap and not vigorously typing on his keyboard.

Suddenly, an idea popped in your head. Since he died, you could offer him some relaxation and get his attention that way too. And since hyuck had always been a tease, you wanted to see how he would react to you being like that.

You slowly walked towards your boyfriend and you hugged him from behind, nuzzling your face in the crook of his neck, breathing in the soft scent of his cologne.

Donghyuck turned to face you for a second, giving you a "whats up" look and then turned back to the monitor.

You shook your head and then gradually started placing small kisses on his neck. The small kisses slowly grew into you licking and sucking on his neck as you moved your hands slowly but sensually on your boyfriend's torso. You heard Donghyuck's breathing slowly pick up its pace as he hastily muted his mic and asked you what's up.

"What?" You said as you acted clueless like you had no clue what this was doing to him. Donghyuck was a sucker for physical touch and affection and you knew it damn well. That was your trick to get him away from his gaming setup.

"Baby stop, I'm playing right now. I'll spend time with you later."

"Hyuck you have been saying that since hours. Come on~" You said, wanting to convince him.

Getting no response, you continued your ministrations, only them getting gradually more intimate. He also returned to playing his game, continuing to converse with his friends.

You started to move your hand lower on his body and that's the point when you felt like he would stop and give you attention, but oh were you wrong.

His character in the game died and you wanted to control the smirk wanting to appear on your face and when you were anticipating his playful threats of punishing you, you were met with something completely different.

Instead of your boyfriend having the usual teasing and playful glint in his eyes, you for the first time saw annoyance and irritation in them. Before you could speak up to ask him about it, he spoke first.

"You think this is funny?"

"What are you saying hyuck-"

"Don't act dumb Hyerim. You very well know what you did. I told you I would spend time with you later didn't I? Why do you have to be so fucking annoying and clingy and keep troubling me even when I told you that I'll play and then spend time with you." Donghyuck spoke, his usual soft and bright tone replaced by rage.

You stood in front of your boyfriend, frozen after hearing his words, your insecurities resurfacing.

Am I really that annoying?
Am I really clingy to him? Is that what he thinks of me?

You knew you should be angry at him since he had no right to say that shit to your face but you couldn't help but feel insecure.

Tears brimmed and your vision became blurry. You took a deep breath to calm yourself down as you finally spoke.

"I'm sorry that you feel like I'm an annoying bitch to you Donghyuck. I promise I won't ever irritate you with my overly clingy presence ever again." You said as you immediately wiped the lone tear that fell from your eyes and you rushed to grab your bag which carried your phone, keys and wallet since all your other basic necessities for the stay were already at Donghuck's place, and walked out of the room without another glance at your boyfriend.

The moment Donghyuck saw your tears, he came back to his senses and his eyes widened. He realised that he really fucked up big time. He collapsed onto his gaming chair again rethinking what he just did. He felt specially guilty since he knew you were sensitive and insecure to being called clingy and people not liking you because of your personality to like physical touch.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his friend's voices through his headphones.

"Dude Donghyuck you really fucked up. Why did you say that shit to Hyerim?" Marks voice was the first to speak up.

"I don't know either hyung. I don't know what I was thinking." He sighed.

"You didn't even tell us Hyuck that Hyerim was over at yours, otherwise we wouldn't have stopped you to play for longer. Imagine how bad she must have felt that you were neglecting her for some stupid video games. You even know she has fear of it." Jaemin spoke, his voice sounding like he was disappointed.

"I know I fucked up. I don't know what I should do now. Should I give her space or should I talk it out. God I swore to her that I would never hurt her and here I am making her cry." He sighed out, feeling his own throat closing up and tears forming in his eyes as he thought back upon the situation, especially the  part where you cried and promised him no more of your affection which was something he really loved.

He was pissed at himself for letting some stupid video games distract him of what he was really supposed to be doing. He was surprised how you didn't speak up earlier since you had been there a while but that only made him feel even guiltier, since he knew you did it for him, so that he could play.

"I won't say that it isn't your fault to comfort you Hyuck because we all know it was. I would suggest you make up things with her right now because it would only cause more problems if you deny it to tomorrow. You both will suffer for longer. But don't force her to forgive you. Ask her for it but give her time and space if she asks for it." Jaemin advised.

Donghyuck nodded as he thanked his friends and shut off his setup and immediately grabbed his phone and car keys, making his way towards your house.


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