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Plot : he is your boyfriend, heartthrob of the school. It all seemed perfect until his ex girlfriend came into play.

Word count: 1273


Flushed cheeks, sweat, panting and the sloppy noises of 2 people kissing could be heard in the almost empty hallway

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Flushed cheeks, sweat, panting and the sloppy noises of 2 people kissing could be heard in the almost empty hallway.

Sure there were a few people watching with burning eyes of jealousy, but did you both care? No.

The heated session was finally stopped when you pulled back for air. God he looks so hot with his hair disheveled and my saliva coating his lips. You thought as you stared at him like a lovesick fool.

He chuckled looking at your face, still holding you close to him with his arms around your lower back and your arms around his neck.

"Take a picture babe. It will last longer." He said breathily, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"I would love to but I don't wanna leave you yet." You said boldly. You could see him let out an amused smile and shake his head at your words laughing. Even his laugh was perfect.

"I love you so much baby. You don't know how grateful I am for you that you are by my side always. In ups and downs and you being with me also helps those random girls to stay at bay too."

It was true. He really loved you with all his heart. He loved everything about you. Your smile, your laugh, your bold attitude where you didn't shy away to tell him your thoughts. He loved how you listened to him rant about anything and everything but never pressured him to let out thoughts he wasn't ready to.

"I love you too woo. So so much. Oh how I want to thank the lords for giving me an opportunity to be loved by this sexy creature." You whispered, pressing a chaste kiss on the corner of his lips.

"Shit, stop. Don't make me want to take you to the nearest restroom." He groaned.

"What's stopping you love?" You said playfully.

"As much as I might be the bad boy heartthrob of the school, I want you and me both to not fall back on lessons and since we have one in 10, I'll continue it after school." He said, wiggling his eyebrows at the last part of the sentence with a small smirk on his face. You laughed finally letting him go and picked up your discarded bags from the floor as you both slowly walked hand in hand to your next lecture.

It was as simple as it sounds. The schools bad boy heartthrob dating one of the prettiest girls around campus. As much as people may like him for his looks and popularity, he didn't like it. He didn't choose to be popular but it was something that just came with the friend group he was in since the beginning of the collage. All the girls loved them for their cool demeanour and good looks. But did anyone look past that? No.

Jungwoo met you a year back when you both were on the duty to put up posters for a school festival and became good friends from there. He was glad to finally have someone of the opposite gender except for his friends girlfriends to not look at him like he was a meal. He found you genuine. He felt comfortable with you. The way you had the easy going attitude made him feel like he could be himself with you. That's what sparked your relationship.

Fast forward to now, you both were incredibly happy with each other. Sure it was not the first relationship you both had been in but you were certain that it would be the last, and so was he. You both had talked about your future after graduation a couple of times which was in just another year.

Everything was great but when you walked with him to the dorms that night, you couldn't help but feel like something was about to happen. Was it wrong that you both had such a successful relationship? You shrugged off the negative thoughts as you kissed him goodbye and tell him to text when he reached to his dorms.

Time skip to the next day

Oh how my gut feeling was right.

The day had already started off with a sour start when you saw Jungwoo's ex girlfriend, Haeri sluggishly try to hold him and whine about how much she missed him.

They both had been a thing for a few weeks but Jungwoo broke it off when he got to know that she was using him for popularity and was cheating behind his back. He felt like his trust had been broken up and never dated again until he met you. People judged him from the stoic face he always put up on his face but inside, he was a softie.

When you saw the girl trying to get closer to him when the boy was visibly uncomfortable and the endless 'leave me' and pushes he did towards her did nothing to get her away from him, your blood boiled. You weren't the type to just believe what you saw and act overly dramatic about him being "touchy" to his ex. You strider towards the two and ripped the two away and stood in between. You felt proud of your actions when you heard Jungwoo whisper a faint sigh of relief behind you.

"Yah what are you doing?" Haeri said rudely, the audible rage filling her voice on the ruining moment she was having earlier.

"What am I doing? I should be asking that to you missy. What were you doing with my boyfriend?"

"Your boyfriend? Tsk as if Jungwoo would date someone like you." She said scanning you from top to bottom.

"Yeah his taste in girls has definitely improved by leaps and bounds isn't it?"


"Yah shut it. I know what relation you had with him in the past, but listen here, leave that shit in the past and go back to that fucking dumbo who you cheated with on him. He deserves so much better than to even be in your presence. So fuck off now."

"You bitch-" she said as she slapped you.

The voice echoed in the silent hallway as the students just stood there staring and whispering, and some recording to capture the drama.

This was too much for the said boy to stay back.

"Who do you think you are huh? You better fuck off Haeri and never bother us. She is my girlfriend and soon to be fiancé. If you dare touch her again, I will make sure to make your life a fucking hell." Jungwoo seethed, now standing in between the two girls.

"But Jungwoo I love you and I miss you-"

"Keep your lies to yourself and know that the consequences won't be good if you ever mess with me or her again." He stated as he grabbed your wrist but not too tightly and took you away from the scene.

"Shit that was hot boyfie." You said the moment you were alone.

"Shouldn't I be the one saying that? It was so sexy the way you came up and dealt with her."

"Mhm I would of course never let any slut be near you"

"Shit, your cheek is swelling babe." He said worriedly, gently caressing your face.

Your heart warmed up at his actions, swelling with the amount of love you had for this boy.

"I love you"

"I love you too baby."


Golden Age Jungwoo was too hot to handle 🥵

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