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Their reaction to you doing the hickey prank on them.

Word count : 1398

Word count : 1398

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You both were casually just having dinner when all of a sudden he notices the unfamiliar hickey on your neck as he suddenly choked on his rice. You worriedly handed him a glass of water and when he was done, asked him if he was okay.
He visibly gulped as he tried not to skip to conclusions but the thoughts of you cheating clouded his mind. He shook his head as he finally asked questions about the hickey on your neck. You tried to play it confused as to move forward with the prank but seeing his scared face you couldn't help but burst out into laughter and say that it was just a prank and that the mark was made of makeup.


When he noticed the bruise peeking out of your oversized shirt, he immediately strode to your side and rubbed his hand over the fake mark you made with makeup earlier today. You mentally cursed as he eyed you suspiciously showing you the smudged makeup on his fingers with his brows raised. You let out a nervous laughter at his serious face as you told him it was a prank you had seen on TikTok and ran away from him. He shook his head at your antics and followed you around the whole house until he caught you and told you couldn't fool him even if you wanted to and tickled you. He knew you too well.


You both were in the middle of a make out session when he suddenly started going to your neck and you knew he noticed the hickey when you felt him stop his movements.

"Babe whats with this hickey? I know I didn't give you one there? Who did that?" He asked, breath still heavy as a result of the heated session you both were having.

You acted confused wanting to continue the prank, but stopped when you saw how serious he was. You laughed and showed him it was fake and he let out a relieved sigh and continued where he was, giving you a real hickey this time.


You both were just casually cuddling on the couch while watching a movie which made you forget about the prank you were supposed to play on Taeyong. When he suddenly left your embrace, you confusedly looked at him to see his face contorted into sadness and his eyes showing slight watering. Panicked you tried asking him what happened and when he pointed at the fake hickey on your neck, you immediately felt relieved that it wasn't something too serious. You knew Taeyong was a softie and didn't want to complete the prank but you just wanted to see his reaction so you played it as if you had no idea.

The long held back tears finally started to come out and that's where you drew the line. Just as he was about to get up from the couch, you pulled him back and showed him that it was a fake hickey and kissed him multiple times, apologising for the prank.


You knew your boyfriend was a possessive one and he would give an amazing reaction to this prank you had seen on TikTok. When he was out for practice for the day, you brought out your makeup and experimented with it until you had finally gotten a realistic looking hickey on your neck. You were definitely nervous for his reaction but the excitement was more. When you heard the door to the house open, you quickly looked at yourself in the mirror again and let your hair down to not make it too obvious. You greeted him like normal and hugged him, your hair falling back in the process since you had short shoulder length hair. You felt him freeze in the hug as you looked at him staring at the mark on your neck as if he was trying to remember if he gave you that.

His voice is stern when he asks about the hickey and when you tell him you didn't know what he was talking about, his face contorted into nothing but disappointment. When you'd try to end the prank and tell him it's a prank, he'd just cut your words short and storm upstairs. He would try to ignore you but when you finally get him to talk to you and show him that it was fake, he would be relieved but still be sour about it but would overcome it soon.


You would just be chilling and lazing around here and there and when he comes to hug you, he finally notices the hickey. He would try to not skip to conclusions because there would be multiple things that might have caused that. You could have burned yourself with a your hair straightener, or maybe he gave you that but just doesn't remember.

When he finally asked about it, he was scared for your response and when you would act confused, his suspicions of you cheating would feel even more possible and just as he was about to leave you and probably contemplate his next move for the relationship, you would laugh and tell him it was a prank and see his reaction which would immediately break out into a relieved smile. He would tightly embrace you and tell you how much he loved you.


Jungwoo is the easy going person in the relationship and he always has a positive vibe emitting from him. When you saw the prank online, you were curious to know his reaction. You waited for the next day since he had been home that day and would find it weird if a mark appeared out of nowhere on your neck.

The next day, you both were going to have a casual movie date, cuddled up in the blankets and the confines of your home. Jungwoo immediately snuggled up against you but he suddenly pulled away from the hug and stared at you with stern eyes and asked about the mark. You wanted to continue the prank but couldn't as you immediately laughed seeing his trying to be serious face and when he gave you a 'what's wrong with you face' you explained everything to him and he too couldn't help but burst out laughing at the fact he got pranked.


Mark was a very hardworking person but there were times when he was insecure of himself and if the fans liked the work he put out. You didn't want to pull the prank on him but your friend somehow convinced you to.

You gulped looking at the realistic purple mark on your collarbone but pep talked yourself that it would be fine and if it went a bit far, you would stop.

When Mark entered the house, he had immediately noticed the bruise on your neck due to your shirt being a bit low cut and your hair being short. His face was contorted into an unexplainable expression as he stuttered at his words as he asked you about it. You didn't have the heart to continue the prank as you immediately hugged him and told him it was a prank.


Knowing your cunning boyfriend, he always had tricks and pranks up his sleeve so you wanted to get back at him. You made the best attempt at making the fake hickey and cleaned up everything before he could see it when he came home.

When you went to hug and kiss him as a greeting as usual after he had come back from work, you noticed his gaze focused on the mark but before you could even anticipate his next move, he brought his hands up to your neck and ran his thumb across the fake hickey. He immediately bursted into laughter at the makeup that came off on his hand and you whined at the failed prank attempt. He tried to tell you that it was a good attempt but could help but burst into laughter every time. When you asked about how he knew right away after seeing the hickey, he told you that he knew you loved him too much to ever cheat on him and that the eyeshadow you used glimmered under the lights making it obvious.

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