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Plot : When his girl best friend likes him but he is dating you.

Readers name : Cho Areum

Word count : 1417



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The high pitched voice reached the boys ears in the noisy hallway. He groaned at the sickly sweet voice and turned towards the girl who was walking towards him with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes Nayoung?" The boy said, not paying his full attention to his best friend as his eyes loitered around the hallway looking for someone specific.

"Dejun, are you even listening to what I am saying?" Nayoung whined as she noticed the boy's eyes not on her but everywhere around her.

"Huh? Oh yeah. What were you saying?" Dejun asked, baffled.

"Where even are you looking at while I am talking to you?" She asked, her tone bitter.

"Sorry, I'm just looking for Areum."

Nayoung scoffed at the mention of the name of the girl she once used to find cool but now despised with all her being. Long story short, You were Dejun's girlfriend since a month and in that whole time Nayoung had been trying to secretly tell you off saying you both won't work out anyway and it's just a small crush that he had on you which would eventually wear off.

Of course it did not work since you two were still strong and dating. Sure the L word wasn't exchanged yet but you both were still in the early stages of a relationship. You both had no rush and progressed with your relationship with comfort of the other and ease.

Nayoung was about to rant about her "best friend" not paying attention to her when all of a sudden Dejun's eyes brightened and a smile emerged on his face. The girl followed his eyes and saw you fast walking towards them.

"Hey jun. I'm sorry I'm late. I missed my alarm and then while getting ready in a rush, I stubbed my toe on my dresser." You pouted as you accepted his hug.

"Aww, are you okay Reum?" Your boyfriend asked, concern laced in his voice.

You nodded your head, cheeks heating up when Dejun smiled and patted your head, following it with a small kiss on your forehead.

"Can you both not do all this in front of me?" An annoyed voice spoke, bringing you both out of your bubble.

Dejun just chuckled as he held your hand and walked towards your class to drop you off upon hearing the bell go out, signalling that the first class had began.


You and Dejun had completely different subjects so you both had different classes but met at lunch everyday no matter what. You packed your belongings and walked out of the class to make your way towards the cafeteria to have lunch, when suddenly a sudden force pulled you towards the woman's restroom. You were about to scream but when Nayoung's smirking face came into view, you rolled your eyes.

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