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Plot : When your long term boyfriend, Taeyong is on NCT world tour. While you were not expecting him to come back for another month, you were in for a shocking surprise.

Word count: 794


It was a pleasant evening when you were huddled up in your bed, watching the live stream of NCT's world tour

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It was a pleasant evening when you were huddled up in your bed, watching the live stream of NCT's world tour. Seeing him rap and dance on stage so beautifully melted your heart and it only made you fall in love with him deeper. But it also just made you miss him more.

It had been 3 months since he left and your days felt incomplete without having him around. Thinking about his comforting presence, his warm hugs and sweet kisses made the butterflies in your stomach go crazy and a blush to creep on your face. Even  if you both face timed everyday, it was different than having him around.

You sighed for the umpteenth time and went on to do the chores for your penthouse and do some office work. You owned a fashion company, Choi Enterprises along with your elder sister. Seeing the time flash on your phone screen, 5:52, you decided to get some work done and then call your boyfriend.

3 hours later,

You hummed in satisfaction as you sank down on the comfy mattress of your bed and got your phone to call your boyfriend.


2 rings

5 rings

The number you have dialed is currently busy, please try again later

"Huh that's weird, he never misses my calls."  You  frowned but soon shrugged it thinking he might be busy and would call back.

But he never did.

You knew something was wrong.
"Maybe he's just busy after his concert?"
"Yeah I shouldn't worry that much, maybe he forgot to call me today because he slept?"

You shrugged it off the first day but it became more confusing since he did not call for the next few days as well. His number was always busy and when you tried calling his members, they always responded with
"Yeah, he is busy but he'll call back in a while" which only led you in and kept your hopes up.

Few days passed and you gave up on calling him. Negative thoughts filled your mind and you just wanted to reach out to him and talk to him, making sure everything is fine.

Same day at night,

You were ready to sleep when all of a sudden the doorbell rang.
"Huh, who could be here so late at night?"

The moment you opened the door, your jaw dropped to the floor and your knees became weak.

Y/n pov

"Tae- Taeyong?"
You could feel your eyes water at the fact that your boyfriend standing at your doorstep. After all those days of not being able to talk to him, you missed him like crazy and seeing him here, you did not waste another minute to throw yourself into his arms.

A chuckle left his mouth seeing you jump onto him but none the less he caught you and held you in his warm embrace.

"Did my baby miss me so much?" He asked, whispering in your ear.
You did not trust your voice and ended up just nodding until he pulled away from the embrace and gave a loving peck on your forehead.

No one's pov

"Why did you not pick up my phone calls tae?" You said once you both got in the house and settled on the comfy couch.

"I'm sorry baby, I wanted to give you a surprise by showing up earlier than the planned time so I felt like the moment would feel even more special if we did not see each other for a few days."

You chuckled, pulling him into your embrace. "It's ok Yongie, I loved the surprise and I'm glad you are here, with me right now "

He gave you a heart warming smile before leaning in to kiss you. It was soft and gentle and he cradled your face in his palms ever so delicately, almost like he was afraid he'll harm you with the slightest force.

Few minutes later when you both broke the kiss, due to the lack of oxygen in your systems, both of you had a wide grin on your faces, a deep blush creeping on your cheeks which he laughed seeing.

"I love you so much tae"
"I love you more baby"

This is what you called the perfect life with the most perfect boyfriend. You could not imagine your life without him. He was the light of your life who guided you and motivated you through the toughest times, who taught you to never give up, and most of all, loved you with what you deserved.


a/n : hey guys! This is my first ever story and I hope you all enjoyed it.
My writing style is not that polished yet but with time, I'm sure it would be better.
Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this one shot, and I'll try to be regular with my posting!

Seo Ah

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