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Plot : soft morning with Donghyuck.

Non idol au

Word count : 473

It was the best feeling waking up next to your boyfriend every morning, soft rays of sunlight entering the room from the light coloured curtains

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It was the best feeling waking up next to your boyfriend every morning, soft rays of sunlight entering the room from the light coloured curtains.

Donghyuck was the most perfect boyfriend. He is a sweetheart. Always waking you up with soft kisses on weekends when you both had nothing to do, cuddling you all day, helping you cook and overall the perfect green flag straight out of the movies.

Sure there were times you both had have some arguments over things but he never liked to fight with you. Even if in the end you would agree to his opinion being better, he would never push it on your face and would even apologise for arguing which would always just melt your heart.

He was a tease but never crossed boundaries.

This Sunday morning was no different. Donghyuck woke you up, pressing soft kisses on your face and hugging your waist.

"Morning hyuck"

"Morning baby, did you have a good sleep?"

"With you, always."

"Ayy look at you, early in the morning and already flirting with me."

"Do you want me to take my words back?" You said, playfully scoffing at him.

"No, I love it when you flirt with me." He replied back, now peppering soft kisses on your neck.

"Aish hyuck you are such a softie now but the moment we go to collage on weekdays, you look handsome as fuck. Gosh the duality." You said, shaking your head.

"You love it though. The cool, sexy Donghyuck in a leather jacket, stealing everyone's breath away."

"Yeah I love YOU but gosh those girls do not know their limits. Drooling over someone that's already taken."

He simply smiled at you, looking at you in the eye with sparkling eyes.


"Nothing I just really love you"

"You really know how to make me blush don't you?"

"Of course I do sweetheart. But I know something which will make you blush even more."


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