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Plot: When his parents disagree about his relationship with you but things don't go the way they planned in the end after separating you both.

Genre: Sad with some fluff

Word count: 2076

Word count: 2076

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Heartbroken. That was the word you would use to describe your feelings at the moment. Being separated from your boyfriend of 2 years proved to be a million times worse when knowing you both won't be able to see each other again even if you both loved one another with all you had.


Y/n pov
I sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time today. The nerves of anxiety, creeping up my spine knowing Jaehyun was going to introduce me to his family today. It was extremely nerve wracking and all I could hope for was that they would accept us and give us their blessings.

"I don't know if I can do this Jae"

He chucked and pulled me in a warm hug, caressing my back.

"You'll be fine babe. I'm sure they would like you. You are pretty, responsible, kind, and have a good job. You come from an amazing family and you are the perfect wife material. How would they not like you?"

"Aish stop it Jae." You blushed playfully nudging him on his arm.

He laughed at the reaction but internally cooed at how adorable you looked while blushing but trying to sulk at him.

"Don't worry bae. Even if they don't accept us, no one would stop me from being with you. I love you and I can't imagine my life without you. We'll make it through. Together."

You nodded giving him a wide smile showing your dimples. "I love you too hyunnie"

Nervously ringing the door bell of his house, the door opened a few seconds later, revealing a woman in her mid forty's.

"Omo my son you are here"  she said blissfully and pulling her son in a hug which he reciprocated.

"Hey mom, I'm here and I brought someone for you to meet. This is Choi Y/n, my girlfriend of two years."

"Good afternoon ma'am, I'm Choi Y/n. Nice to meet you." You said giving the lady a bow.

The woman smiled widely and pulled the girl in a tight hug which seemed to startle her but soon embraced the elder.

"Aigo so you are the famous girlfriend that my Jaehyun talks about all the time. It's so nice to finally meet you. Come in my dear." His mother said opening the door wider and welcoming the two with a warm smile adorning her face.

The once warm and comfortable atmosphere of the living room of the house turned awkward when his father spotted the couple with his wife.

"Jaehyun, who is this?"

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