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Plot : A frenemy relationship gone too far. He teased you but one day it just got out of hand.

Readers name - Kim Haewon

Word count : 1533


A sigh escaped your lips as you walked through the halls of the university towards your locker

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A sigh escaped your lips as you walked through the halls of the university towards your locker. You were sleepy having not slept more than 3 hours last night due to binge watching your favourite k drama. You had also started your period and the cramps were killing you. Lethargically opening your locker, you got the books you needed for the day and when you closed the door and turned around to walk to your class, his face was what came into your view.

"Not today Jaehyun." You groaned as you looked at the usual smirking face of the boy.

"Is princess in a bad mood today? Aw should I tell you a joke to chear you up?"

Just as you were about to tell him to leave you alone, your best friend came to your rescue as she glared at the tall boy

"Fuck off Jung. Don't you have anything better to do than to just annoy Areum?" Your best friend, Miyeon spat out.

The boy scoffed as he looked at the girl as he looked back at you, winked and walked away.

Long story short, the boy was Jung Jaehyun, a person who always liked to get on your nerves anytime he could. You both bickered back and forth constantly, throwing insults against each other. Sure he was a tease and annoyed you a lot but it didn't change the fact that he was handsome, really handsome and you might have had a small crush on him. But, he doesn't need to know that. He was good to all his friends and people who he knew as acquaintances around the campuses and it always made you wonder.

What was it about you that made him despise you so much to behave that way with you?


Your break was going peacefully until a certain someone pulled a seat and sat in front of you.

"What do you want Jaehyun?" You asked, annoyed that he ruined the peace you had while eating.

"Why sweetheart? Are you not happy to see me?" He said, clearly trying to get on your nerves.

You just rolled your eyes not wanting him to get the satisfaction of annoying you.

When he finally stopped and started eating his own lunch, you looked at him.

He was beautiful, innocent looking. He had a killer smile that made his dimples pop which could make anyone's heart flutter. Why did he hate you so much? Why doesn't he just talk to you normally like he did with everyone. Are you really not someone who he thinks is worth is friendship?

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