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Plot : he was your sweet boyfriend but what would he do if one day at school your ex who cheated on you approaches you?

Non idol

Readers name - Park Miyeon

Word count : 1251


Jeno was your best friend of 5 years

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Jeno was your best friend of 5 years. All throughout the high school and collage life, you both had same majors and hence hung out together all the time. Despite having other friends too, you both always had the most fun when you were together. Jeno was quite popular at the campus for his godly looks and hence his recognition got attention to your friendship too but instead of girls coming at your throats for being with their crush, they were in awe of your friendship and shipped you two.

You were too, soon known for your kind and bubbly personality and people found it hard to even be mad at such a sweet girl. You and Jeno always claimed to be just friends when people came to you asking if you were dating and you never thought it would happen but gradually, as you both got into university, you both developed feelings. The earlier soft and gentle energy that surrounded you both turned passionate and you both inevitably became the university's IT couple.

Fast forward to present, it had been almost a year that you both had been dating and still were as strong as ever. Already being comfortable around each other when you dated since day 1, (courtesy of being best friends earlier), you both never had that awkward phase in your relationship.

Call your life perfect but at the end of the day, nothing good lasts forever. And of course, your ex from high school who you dated for 1.5 years and had loved with all your heart had to join in mid semester. You wouldn't have a problem with it, you shouldn't. But his presence was hard to ignore since it brought back the memories of the painful heartbreak you went through at that time. He was the first boyfriend you ever had and your first heartbreak when he cheated on you with one of the girls who you considered to be a good friend.


Today was another one of the normal days you had. Being woken up by your boyfriend pressing kisses on your face, making breakfast together after getting ready which comprised of a make out session which happened on a daily basis, coming to collage holding hands and doing classes. It was all going well until lunch when you were sitting with Jeno and eating peacefully, your ex interrupted.

"What do you want Junseok?" You spoke, trying to not sound rude.

"Why, can't I spend some time with my girl?" He spoke, an ugly smirk plastered on his face.

You mentally gagged at the name he called you and were practically releasing steam from your ears until you felt your boyfriend hold your hand and squeeze it gently to offer comfort. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before speaking.

"I'm not your girl Junseok and get it clear inside your head. I thought I made it clear the day I said that I was breaking up with you that I didn't want to ever be associated with you again." You seethed.

"Aww, getting confident aren't we? I see the best friend as been promoted. Is that where you have been getting all this spice from?"

Before you could speak and retaliate further, the scraping of a chair came to your hearing as you looked towards the sound and saw your boyfriend getting up and after a long time you saw the look of anger on his face, which you honestly found quite hot but now was not the time to simp over him.

"What do you want?" Jeno spoke, his voice low, indicating anger and frustration.

"Oh no I'm scared." Your ex feigned dramatically.

That was probably the worst decision he could have made since it only angered Jeno more and even though your boyfriend had a soft persona at school, you knew he could beat up people when needed all thanks to the beefy arms he had from working out.

"You might wanna look out when you are speaking buddy. I don't know what you want from Miyeon and like you know, she is now my girlfriend, I would ask you to kindly fuck off and not bother her again."

"Oh or else what would you do? Complain to a teacher? What if I tell you that I'm here to get Miyeon back?"

Jeno had been wearing a bomber jacket on top of his tee but you already knew the veins on his arm must be popping with blood boiling in them, itching to take action against the shameless boy in front of you.

Just as you wanted to interfere in between them after Junseok said those lines, your eyes widened and your hand flew to your mouth as Jeno threw a hard punch at the boys face.

Gasps were heard in the cafeteria to see Jeno fighting, something he never did, nor did anyone expect him to.

You just watched with wide eyes until the boy under Jeno fell to the ground. You finally snapped out of it when you saw him bleeding and you panicked, not for him, but for Jeno. You didn't want Junseok to use his injuries against Jeno, who didn't have a scratch on him because you knew he would fall into big trouble for it.

You stepped in as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend's waist and tried to stop him.

"Jen, baby stop it. You're going to fall into trouble if he gets too hurt." You said, eyes falling onto his bruised knuckles. You immediately grabbed his hands and spun him around, not giving him time to speak as you pressed your lips against his to calm him down.

You immediately felt Jeno loosen up in your grip and kiss you back. Hoots and cheers were heard and you suddenly felt shy since you both hadn't ever kissed on the lips in front of the students at uni. It was always limited to just holding hands and kissing each other's cheeks at max.

You were about to pull away but you felt Jeno put his hands on your waist as he pulled you closer to deepen the kiss.

When you both finally pulled away in a few seconds, your cheeks were dusted with a pink hue as you hid your face in his chest as he chucked and hugged you back, placing his cheek on your head, swaying you both side to side.

"Jen I love you. You never have to worry about anyone, especially someone like Junseok trying to steal me away from you."

"I love you too yeon. I know they can't take you away from me. I just couldn't stand for him to even think that he could and he had to audacity to play this drama after what he did to you today."

"He deserved it baby, but you hurt yourself too. Come on let's go to the medical room." You said, pulling him to get your bags and get some ointment and bandages for his bruises, the hurt boy in the floor, who was not there since he probably ran away, long forgotten.


We had to do a sweet to hot Jeno bf oneshot after his dream performance🥵

He isn't even my bias but I died the moment I saw him throw his shirt away😭😭

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