new book?

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Hey guys! So u have been really grateful for all those who took the time to read my book of oneshots but I am here to ask you a question.

Should I start a new book as in a full story, not oneshots.

(This book would not be discontinued either way!)

It can be a bit of a tedious task as I have not written a full book before so I wanted to experience writing short stories first but it has been so much fun to do that here!

So I have an idea of a book that I can write but I'm not sure if you would like to read it.

Therefore, it would mean a lot for me if you could write here in the comments if you would want me to start writing a full book.

Spoiler : it would be a Renjun book because I just love him and he has been bias wrecking me so hard lately!

Kindly comment if you would like me to start it!

Love, Seo ah <3

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