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Plot: Jisung is your idol boyfriend and you give him some much needed comfort after a bad dance practice.

Genre: fluff

Word count : 982

Being an idols girlfriend can be tough, specially when the group is extremely famous and loved by all

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Being an idols girlfriend can be tough, specially when the group is extremely famous and loved by all. You and jisung started dating 7 months ago after you got the company's approval since you both had been friends since his trainee days, introduced to each other, all in courtesy of your elder brother Mark.

Even if you both worked out through all the tough times of the relationship, sometimes it just got frustrating, how difficult it was to spend time together. Jisung being the main dancer in the group meant he spent a lot of time practising and perfecting his dance moves and overworking himself a lot.

Today was one of those days.

I sighed for the umpteenth time looking at the time on my phone.

10:47 pm

He should have been home by now.
Was he still practising?
Did he even have his dinner?
He did not reply to any of the text messages I sent him.
Is he okay?

All these questions ran through my mind and I could not help but be worried for him. I tried texting and calling him but it all went in vain when his number was not reachable. I really worshiped him for being so good at what he does but him overworking himself always made me worry a lot.

Just as I was about to call him again, I heard the front door of the apartment opening and closing momentarily after. I jumped out the bed and practically ran down the stairs on my way to the door only to be met with a tired and sweaty jisung in his sweats and t shirt that he wore in the morning before he left.

"Jisung ah it's 11pm. How are you so late today? Did you eat? Are you okay?" I bombarded him with questions as I threw myself in his embrace.


Just as I was about to pull away from the hug to look at his face, confused as to why he want replying, the heartbreaking sound of his sobs invaded my ears.

Eyes widening, I pulled away from the hug immediately and looked at his worn out face, eyes teary and cheeks stained with a few flowing tears.

"Sungie, what happened why are you crying?" I asked softly trying not to cry myself as it was a new sight for me to see. Jisung never really put out a weak front and seeing him cry was very rare and it happened for only good reasons like winning awards.

Receiving no response, I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, pulling him to the couch and trying to calm him as best as I could by whispering sweet nothings and giving him small pecks on his temple and cheeks.

After he calmed down a bit, I asked the question yet again but made sure to not push it.

"Today, I had the worst dance practice." He finally replied, voice hoarse from crying earlier.

"We were practising dance break for ISTJ and Poison for recording the dance practice of the whole performance of MMA awards. I wanted to get it perfect but no matter how hard I tried, i kept on getting it wrong. We couldn't even film the video today and I feel like I disappointed the whole crew and also the members and made everyone go behind the schedule. I felt so guilty that I kept on practising until I got it right. I still feel like i did not do well on it" he explained, voice cracking in between words.

"Oh baby, why do you think like that hm? You are one of the most talented dancers in all of NCT and most of all, you are the youngest and still treasure so many talents. You sing, rap, dance and perform so beautifully. You boys all work so hard, and you even won a well deserved daesang award for your hard work." I said, rubbing his back occasionally.

"But I just felt so guilty of getting the choreography wrong every time and making the boys do it again and again to record it."

" Sung you are human and it's completely normal to make mistakes. In such cases, take a small break instead of overworking yourself. It's only going to strain you more. Please take care of yourself." I said, planting a small kiss on his forehead.

"Thank you so much Y/n for this. I'll make sure of what you said. I'm sorry for worrying you." He said wiping if his tears while nodding understandably.

"No worries bae. Let all your thoughts and feelings out. Talk to me about it, talk to your members about it. All of us would be more than happy to help you out with it."

He nodded, leaning down to plant a small peck on the latters lips and whispering an I love you which he gladly received back.


Hey guys, it been a while! I'm sorry for not posting since a long time but it was because of my exams so I hope you understand!

Also this one shot was inspired by NCT DREAM winning the daesang for record of the year at MMA 2023!
I am so proud of the boys and they well deserved it!

Also the performance of ISTJ and poison were so good!!!!
The like we just met VCR genuinely made me so emotional and I love the boys so much!
Jisung is such a sweetheart and it was so heartwarming to see him getting so emotional talking about how dream was not a fixed unit earlier but after all the hardships and efforts, here they are together today.

Sorry this was a little late than planned but I still wanted to do something based on this so I hope you liked it!

Until next time my readers...

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