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Plot : it was the day that marked your 10th year together as friends, and Yangyang had planned something special but it was something you did not expect.

Genre : fluff

Word count : 1121


It was your tenth friend-sary

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It was your tenth friend-sary. A little day you liked to celebrate with your childhood best friend since the last decade. Yangyang was your first friend in the middle school when you came to China after shifting from Korea due to your father's business. Turns out he was also an exchange student like you, from Germany.

You both connected really nicely on the first day you met. Maybe it was the loneliness you both felt after coming from a totally different place, but being together made you feel solace, like it was meant to be. Safe to say as you both became good friends, and went on to higher classes, everyone was jealous of the ideal friendship you both had. Yangyang had also gained many fangirls because of his outstanding visuals, his talent for different languages and most importantly, his gummy smile.

You had your set of boys who tried to get close to you, but never got the chance to due to yangyang protecting you, which you appreciated since you knew their intentions weren't good.

It was a bittersweet feeling saying goodbye on the day you both left for your respective collages. But that didn't  stop you from FaceTiming almost everyday.

And boom here you were. Flying from the counties where your collages were to meet in China, where it all started, after 5 years on your friend-sary. You couldn't be more hyped to meet your best friend after 10 years and the amount of butterflies you got during your flight were unbelievable.

The time you both spent being apart made you value your friendship even more. It saddened you when you couldn't see him for long. It made you feel giddy when he would call you and greet you with his signature gummy smile.

What was this feeling?
Was I developing a crush in my best friend?
Ahem, handsome best friend at that.
Meh nah of course not, it must be me missing him and that's all.
I must be getting butterflies from being excited.
Yeah that's it.

That was the thought you always shrugged off. But in the depth of your heart, you knew it was true.

You were falling for your best friend.

The first day after your flight was tiresome from the jet lag but now that you were getting ready to meet Yangyang the next day, you were practically jumping from excitement.

You both were supposed to meet at a restaurant at 6:00 pm and currently it was 5:26. You made your way to the bus stand, deciding to start heading early in case of traffic since it was only a 20 min ride from the hotel to the restaurant.

At the restaurant.

On time. You thought, thankful that you started early because there was traffic on the way. You entered the restaurant looking for that one face, a bright smile appearing on your face on finding it. You waved and practically sprinted towards the table running in the man's arms who stood up to pull you in a hug.

"Oh my god, it has been so long isn't it? I missed you so much Yang." You said pulling away from the bone crushing hug.

"Feels like we are meeting after forever isn't it? I missed you too, it just feels so nice to meet again after so many years of just being able to talk over calls." He said pulling you a chair, which surprised you but thanked him and sat down nonetheless with an evident blush on your cheeks.

"So tell me, how have you been."

Time skip

It was amazing. The whole evening. Just chatting away about what you both had missed with no worries of the world. You looked at your wrist watch,


Just when you felt like the night was about to be over, which you wished it never did, it was like Yangyang read your mind and asked if you wanted to go to a rooftop for sightseeing. It had always been one of your favourite pastimes during school days and you were more than happy that he remembered.

Suspecting nothing, you walked side by side with him to the place where you both spent a lot of your childhood at. Pushing the door to the rooftop open, you were met with the loud popping of confetti canons and the sight of balloons everywhere. When you looked around surprised, you saw Ten and Kun holding a banner saying 'will you be my girlfriend'.

Your heart thumped against your chest so fast that you felt like you could faint. But before you could even comprehend anything, you felt a tap on your shoulder and when you turned around, you were met with Yangyang kneeling down on the ground with a bouquet of red roses in his hand.

Your favourite.

"Y/n, this might come as sudden to you and that we just met after 5 years, but I want you to know that I really really like you. I have liked you since we were friends in school, but only realised it when we were apart. Seeing you on calls made me have butterflies in me every time, seeing you laugh, smile, rant about your day, you poking your tongue out when you focused on something, I loved everything about you. Therefore I thought that today, I will take the risk to ask you to be my girlfriend. Would you?" He asked, visible fear of ruining it all in his eyes.

"Oh my god Yang you don't even know how much you mean to me. How much I adore everything about you too. I guess time away from you made me realise it too. That I like you too. More than a best friend." You said, tears already forming in your eyes.

He exhaled a sigh of relief as he held out the bouquet to you and repeated,

"So Choi Y/n, would you do the honour of being my girlfriend?"

Nodding repeatedly, you accepted the bouquet and pulled him up for a hug, which was reciprocated immediately.

The sweet moment was broken with tired groans from the back and Ten shouting, that his hands were tired of holding the banner up.

You both broke the hug with a small laugh and just stared at each other with adoration in your eyes, before you leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.

"Thank you so much for this Yang. I truly really really like you."


I genuinely want to put him in my pocket.

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