Yuta pt 1

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Plot: you and him were sworn enemies, but once incident is enough to change it all.

Genre : angst
Word count : 961
A/n : this will be a long story so I will make 2 parts of this. Part 2 would be uploaded soon!

 Part 2 would be uploaded soon!____________________________________________

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Yet another day in hell. You thought as you made your way towards the school gates. It was not that you did not enjoy school, you did. You had a small group of friends who were very nice to you and you liked them. You were not super popular in school but students knew of your existence.

Y/n pov

You might think what made me hate school. It was all well until I bumped into someone a few days ago and he turned out to be the infamous Nakamoto Yuta, the school's heartthrob. Since then he has been pestering me and pulled small pranks on me as a "revenge". It was all bearable until his fangirls came after me, threatening me to stay away from him and that I was a "slut". The verbal threatens soon turned into physical abuse and they would beat me up whenever they encountered me in a deserted place.

I never told anyone about what I had been going through at the school. Not even my parents, who I was not very close with since they were away for business most of the time.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I entered the school. Making my way towards the lockers, I opened mine to be met with a small box with a note that said it was a gift from someone who liked me. I found it sceptical but nonetheless I opened the box only to be met with a realistic looking spider to jump from the box making me scream and throw it in the locker.

I could feel the gazes if people as they giggled and made fun of me because of the prank and I could not help but be red from embarrassment. Taking my books, I ran to my first class as fast as I could, cussing Yuta in my mind for the prank.

Time skip

It was the lunch break right now and I walked towards the cafeteria, but I was pulled in an empty classroom by someone and just as I was about to shout, my mouth was covered by a hand and from the persons scent, I could immediately tell it has Yuta.

"What you do want nakamoto?" I said, obviously annoyed that I was pulled here when I was about to go have lunch.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to make sure you liked the small gift I gave you this morning." He said smiling teasingly.

"Like?" I scoffed looking at him. "Do you know how embarrassing it was for me? You tease me, I don't say anything, you call me names, fine I bear it, but public embarrassment was too far Yuta. The way how everyone looked at me like they pitied me, the laughs they gave me, IT WAS NOT FINE!"

I could not help but shed a few tears that had been blurring my vision. I never let myself cry in public and never in front of this man.

I could tell he was shocked by seeing that his eyes widened for a second but he quickly gained composure.

Yuta pov

I questioned myself if I really went too far. I thought it would be a harmless prank and it would be fun to see her blush and be cutely annoyed at it. Yes cutely. I had a small crush on her since she bumped into me a few days ago and I thought it would be weird for a stranger to confess or just start talking to her so I thought teasing her and pulling small pranks on her won't hurt and I could gain some attention and recognition from her. Though I annoyed her, but I never pulled any physical pranks or did anything that would hurt her.

It worked, but now I was starting to feel bad because she did end up getting made fun of by everyone. Maybe I did do overboard.

I wanted to apologise but my ego won't allow it. I wanted to stop her ranting by pulling her in a big hug and whispering to her why i did all the things I did. But instead, my pride made me do something I could not imagine doing it her. At least not now or without her consent.

Y/n pov

He kissed me. My first kiss. Taken by the person I hate. Taken by the person I despise. The thought brought nothing but pure rage and I pushed him with all the force and energy I had left in me.


The noise echoed in the empty room.

"What do you think you are, huh? Just because you are some heartthrob and that girls die to be with you doesn't mean everyone would want your filthy lips on them. You fucking jerk took my first kiss."

Another push

"I fucking hate you, Nakamoto Yuta."

He did not say anything and took everything she gave him. He felt embarrassed in himself to have done such a thing. He could feel his heart throbbing painfully in his chest at the hurtful words she threw at him. But he knew he deserved it.

He watched her storm out of the room, eyes red and puffy, tears flowing on her beautiful face.
He felt guilty, but he could not face her now. Not when she didn't want to hear a word from him.


A/n : I hope you enjoyed this one shot. Part two would be out soon!
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