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THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR 700 plus views!!! Words can't describe how grateful I am that people are taking time to read my book. I am glad they are enjoying the content that i write and I will come back with more for sure!

Plot : he was your best friend and it was his birthday.

Word count : 662


He was finally turning 22 this year

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He was finally turning 22 this year. It was his birthday and you wanted to give him a big gift. He had always bought you such amazing gifts and you wanted to return the favour even though he always told you not to buy him anything.

So you went all out and got him the one thing that would really catch his eye and he would for sure like, tickets to a basketball game.

Being his friend for almost a decade, you knew the ever growing love he had for basketball and how he absolutely adored the sport. So what better way would there be to celebrate his birthday?

You went to the dream dorm as you texted Mark to let you in since you did not want him to know you were here. He sneakily opened the door, your ears immediately filled with the loud chattering of the boys. It was almost midnight and they were obviously up to celebrate the younger's birthday.

You hid behind the wall until the clock struck midnight which was only a few minutes away from when you arrived. The moment the party cannons went off, everyone sang happy birthday as you watched Chenle's beautiful smile as he swayed his body around in the rhythm of the song, cutting up the cake and feeding it to the members.

When they finished, you quietly tip towed behind him, putting your finger to your lips as a signal for everyone to not spill you were here. You reached behind him as you suddenly jumped on his back and screamed happy birthday at him, which erupted a dolphin like scream from him but his previously surprised face contorted into happiness once he saw you were here. He wasted no time in engulfing you in a hug as he thanked you for your wishes and just at the fact that you came here to wish him.

You both rocked each other in your embrace for a few more seconds as you then said happy birthday to him one more time and brought out his gift.

"Here is your birthday gift Chenle. I hope you like it!"

"Oh my god, you didn't have to get me anything."

"I wanted to. Plus you always buy so much stuff for me on my birthdays so it wouldn't be fair on you if I don't get you anything in return."

"Thank you, I really appreciate it."

He smiled as he opened the small bad and removed the different coloured tissue from the top. He pulled out the first gift which was a jersey with his name written on the back of it. His face immediately lit up when he saw the clothing item but stopped when he noticed something else in the bag.

"Oh there is something else."

He pulled out the two tickets and as he read the text written on them, his eyes visibly widened as he stared at you in disbelief.

"Y-y/n, is this for real? You really got me tickets in the frontside row to the upcoming basketball match?"

You could see the eyes of the boys around you slightly widen too but you didn't pay heed to that, but only to the boy in front of you who looked like he could cry.

"Yes, I know how much you like basketball so I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to give you the tickets. There is one extra so you can take any other one of the guys with you."

"I- I don't even know what to say. I'm just so shocked right now. But thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is such a meaningful gift and I love it so much. Thank you so so so much y/n."

"Of course, anything for the birthday boy."


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