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Plot : when you prank him by pretending you were talking to some other guy on the phone.

Non idol au

Word count : 1551

Your boyfriend was one of the sweetest people you had ever met

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Your boyfriend was one of the sweetest people you had ever met. He was incredibly adorable, kind, handsome and overall extremely honest and loyal to the people he loved.

You both had been together for 11 happy months and it was almost like a perfect relationship you would dream about. Both of you managed to be there for each other and spend time even if your schedules were busy. Both of you had seen one another on the worst times of your life and overcame it together.

Today, you had gone out to meet with a few friends for a meal since you had a day off whereas Taeyong still had work which he was sulky about since he wanted to spend time with you, but you somehow managed to convince him to go and promised to cuddle after he was back.

While in the middle of a normal lunch at a cafe, one of your friends suddenly brought up the topic of a prank she had played on her boyfriend. Curious, all of you listened as she told how she pretended to be close to another guy friend of hers to see his reaction which she described as worth playing the prank for. She said it strengthened their bond even more and was a fun little experiment.

You knew your boyfriend might put up a different facade for the rest of the world but on the inside, he was a softie and you knew that side of him very well. The one that just wanted to be held with love, kissed and cuddled all day. So naturally, when your friend suggested that the ones with a partner should try it out, you refused. But she was a great convincer. She managed to make you believe that it will be worth it and would be a fun change up. You agreed to it but swore to yourself mentally that if it got out of hands, before it could go in any wrong way, you'd stop.

Getting home after hanging out a bit more, you were welcomed by the smell of delicious home cooked food and the light noises of your television playing in the background before a comfortable looking Taeyong jumped in front of you and hugged you.

"Hey baby, you're back." He said, pulling from the hug to press a peck on your cheek.

"Mmhm. When did you reach here?"

"About 35 minutes ago? A meeting was canceled and scheduled for later so I got off work an hour early."

"Hey, that's great! But you should not have taken the effort to cook baby. You would have been tired enough."

"It's alright! Anything for my bae"

You smiled as you pulled him in a small kiss of gratitude. Afterwards as you followed him to the kitchen to see what he had made, the sudden thought of the prank you were to pull on him struck your mind. You almost convinced yourself that today would not be a good day to do it after all he had done for you but decided to do it anyway and get it over with.

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