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Plot : a hopeless romantic boyfriend and a breakfast in bed on a Sunday morning. What could be better?

Word count : 442


Your sleep was disturbed by a feeling of something on your face

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Your sleep was disturbed by a feeling of something on your face. Slowly you opened your eyes to be met with your boyfriend who was peppering kisses all over your face.

"Jaem what are you doing?" You asked chuckling at him

"I'm just waking up my girlfriend."

"But it's Sunday and I want to sleep more." You whined and pouted.

"Baby, it's already 10 am and I want to spend the day with you. I want to take you out on a date today."

You immediately sat at the words and looked at him with sparkling eyes.


"Yes" he replied chuckling at your excitement and pressed a kiss on your lips.

"But first, to start off the day, my princess needs energy, and thus, breakfast in bed." He said, lifting up a tray filled with your favourite breakfast and putting it on your lap. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of your favourite breakfast, pancakes and fruits with syrup and some coffee.

Your heart melted at the moment and felt overjoyed to have such an amazing boyfriend. You carefully set the tray on the nightstand again and leapt onto  Jaemin's lap as you hugged him, thanking him for the breakfast which he replied with an "of course" and "anything for my love".

"I love you so so so so much Jaem. You are the best boyfriend ever."

"Mmm, then show me how good of a boyfriend I am, kiss me"

"I would love to, but morning breaths." You said, giggling at his pouty face. You gave him a peck on the cheek and promised you'd give him as many kisses as he wanted after brushing your teeth.

You immediately dove into the breakfast as you threw hundreds of compliments on how good it was, feeding jaemin in between too.

"Jaemin I fucking love you so much. I don't know what I did in my last life to get someone like you. These pancakes are so fucking delicious." You said, almost angry at how good they tasted.

He just chuckled as he watched you devour the whole meal.


After breakfast you got ready in some casual clothes, not forgetting your promise from earlier and showered your boyfriend with a thousand kisses.

Jaemin took you out on a nice date and hangout. The day was a blast and it was even better with the company you both had. You two were like the other halves of each other and life couldn't be better.


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