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Plot : Your boyfriend woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare.

Non idol

Readers name : Kim Gayoung

Word count : 748


Cars honking, tires skidding, sirens wailing

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Cars honking, tires skidding, sirens wailing.

Ten woke up from his sleep, jolting in his spot, his thin shirt damp by the sweat, his eyes watering, hands shaking. He shakily brought his hand up to his chest to feel his heart beating erratically.

His breathing fastened as he frantically hopped out of bed, trying to be careful to not wake you up as he walked out the room, going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to calm himself down.

His intention of not waking you up failed as after a few minutes, he saw you walking into the kitchen, looking for him.

"Ten baby what happened-" Your words were cut off when you saw him leaning on the kitchen counter with his shaky hands gripping the counter, his head down.

"Babe, are you okay? What happened?" You asked, your earlier sleepy eyes widening and replaced with concern.

"Gayoung, it happened again." Ten spoke, his usual sassy glint in his voice gone, being replaced by a frail vulnerability.

Your mouth fell agape. He was having nightmares again.

Years ago, Ten's parents died in a car accident on a rainy day when it got hit by a truck due to lack of visibility and got skidded off the road into a tree. Since then he had been having nightmares of the painful memory, mainly haunting him for the fact that he was with them but survived.

Ever since he had been dating you, he had noticed a significant decrease in the nightmares he had regularly but on some days, he still had them, just like today.

"Babe, breathe. I'm here with you. Just calm down and breath nice and slow. Can you do that for me?" You spoke, your voice soft to not trigger his memories more.

Ten did as you told, although he was calming down now, it hurt your heart to see him in so much pain and as much as you wished to help him, you knew you couldn't do anything about it other than being there for him.

"There, nice and easy. Are you feeling better?" You asked once you felt him go less tense under your palms as you rubbed comforting circles with one hand on his back and one hand held his hand.

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