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Plot : He had a bad day at work and unknowingly vented it all out on you.

Readers Name : Park Sohyun

Word count : 1837


You sighed looking at the time for the umpteenth time in the last hour

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You sighed looking at the time for the umpteenth time in the last hour.

12:13 am

Johnny wasn't back from work yet. Sure he was a hardworking independent person and you didn't want to be that person who would distract him from it but it worried you since he never came home this late. In the worst situation of a meeting being postponed or extra work assigned too, he would never forget to text you. Today, you didn't get that from him either.

The pit in your stomach grew thinking about all the possibilities that could have happened.

What if he got into an accident?
What if someone kidnapped him?
Wait, no no he is a giant 6 feet tall man, who would even dare to do that.

You shook your head to shake off the random negative thoughts. You wanted to give in and call him but what if he gets annoyed since you had tried to call a few times in the last hour and they all went declined.

Just when you were contemplating to call him again or not, you heard the front door open and you literally bolted from your spot in the living room and ran down the hall to the front door to see an exhausted looking Johnny swaying around trying to take his shoes off.

"Hey love. You're late today. Are you okay? You look tired.... and drunk. What happened? I was trying to call you to reach out-"

"Sohyun for the love of god please stop. I'm already tired, do not be like this. I just want to sleep." He said, his tone rougher than usual indicating he was indeed drunk.

You wouldn't lie. It hurt to hear him talking like that to you unlike his usual loving and soft tone. You knew he didn't mean it since he was drunk but you still worried over the reason why he chose to drink specially during weekdays when he has work tomorrow.

"Babe, is something wrong? Did something happen at work?" You asked, placing your hands on his face and shoulders which he shrugged off. But you weren't the one to give up so easily. You wanted to know what had happened for him to act like this. So you grabbed his wrist as he started to walk away.

"GOD STOP. NOTHING HAPPENED OKAY? JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE." He finally yelled making you flinch.

When he was about to walk again, you ran to stand in front of him to make him stop and bring him to the kitchen so he could drink water and sober up to lessen the hangover tomorrow. But all that went in vain when before you could even pull him into the kitchen, he pushed you a bit too harshly and you immediately lost balance and fell, your head coming in contact with the marble countertop of the open kitchen counter.

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