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Plot : when you flinch during an argument

Non idol

Reader name : Lim Sora

Word count : 1118



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2:28 am

You gulped seeing the time on your wrist watch. Your boyfriend would not like it at all that you were coming back this late from your friends birthday which was held at a club. You had sworn to him that you would be back before midnight but you lost track of time and you couldn't notify him because your phone died.

Jaemin was the sweetest person you knew but because of dating him for 2 years, you knew all his sides. And oh boy was his angry side something to not be witnessed.

You entered the passcode to your shared apartment and carefully entered the house. It was quiet so you had a faint hope that Jaemin was asleep and you could just quietly do your night routine and get under the sheets and cuddle him, pretending as if you didn't come home past midnight

You let out a relieved sigh as you walked into the living room and realised that you thought too soon. There he was, your boyfriend sitting on the couch, a cup of his infamous "battery acid" coffee as you liked to call it in his hand.

Your heart thumped in your chest, half at being scared and half due to the guilt you were feeling. It was obvious from Jaemin's face that he was exhausted, only his coffee doing somewhat of a job of keeping him up.

"Jaem baby?"

The said boy jolted out of his spot on the couch as he whipped his head towards you and immediately walked to you.

"Lim Sora, do you know what time it is?" He asked, his voice stern.

"Jaem, I know I'm late-"

"Answer my question"

You gulped at his strict voice and checked your wrist watch to tell him the exact time.

"I-it's 2:34" you said, your head down.

"Is this before midnight, which you promised to come back before?"

You only shook your head as you keep staring down at your feet, not wanting to see your boyfriend's angry face.

"Babe I'm sorry for coming home late, I swear I wanted to inform you that I'd be late but my phone died and then some of my friends dragged me to the dance floor and it just slipped my mind."

"Lim Sora look at me."

You raised your head to look at him, immediately regretting it as you saw his worried yet disappointed face.

"Was it so hard to just send a small text from your friends phone first? You could have as much fun as you like, I'm not stopping you from it. You or your friends not responding to my calls and texts made me really fucking worried and I'm just scared something might happen to you."

"Jaemin I understand your concern but I'm fully capable of taking care of myself. I'm a grown adult and I have successfully managed to take care of myself for the time I wasn't dating you."

"I know but-"

"But what? If you know that I'm capable of it, why are you making it such a big deal that I didn't send you a text letting you know when I'd be home?"

At this point you knew you were being irrational and as much as you wanted to admit that Jaemin was right, the alcohol in your system didn't let you and made you speak what the other small part of your brain screamed to let out.

It was too late to take back now.

You watched as your boyfriend stared you with an unreadable expression on his face.

You knew you fucked your words since Jaemin was usually a very easy person to read by his facial expressions.

Your eyes widened and then you flinched and turned your head to the side, covering your face after you saw him raise his hand up.

A few seconds later, when you didn't feel anything touch you, you opened your eyes, to see Jaemin's hands in his hair, his eyes widened in shock and tears gathering in them as he watched you protect yourself.


"You thought I'd hit you?" Your boyfriend breathed out, his voice coming out as a mere whisper.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to, it's just that I'm a bit tipsy and it was just a reflex to seeing your hand raise up. I'm sorry." You said, taking your boyfriend's hands in yours and then bringing one to wipe his tears.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry love that I made you feel scared of me that you even if it was a small thought, felt as if I was going to hit you. I would never do that, no matter how mad I am at you." He breathed out, pulling you in a hug.

"It's not your fault Jaem." You said as you hugged him back and just closed your eyes as you both swayed in each other's embrace.

You both stayed like that in each other's embrace, content with the feeling of your partners warmth against your own. The peace was disrupted when you decided to speak.

"Baby, I want to apologise."

Your boyfriend looked at you confusedly.

"It's about what I said earlier, about being independent and not needing to be asked about all the time. In all honesty, I like it when you check up on me, makes me feel loved, that someone cares about me that much. I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry."

"It's alright babe, it's my fault too, I trust you and believe you would be able to manage yourself. Instead of being rude to you when you came I should have probably offered you water, made you sit and then ask you if you were fine and why you couldn't text me. I'm sorry."

"Aww babe, it wasn't rude of you to be worried about me. Your reaction was justified. I would behave like that too if you didn't see my messages and calls and then just appeared in the house so late at night."

"You're too sweet."

"Mmm and you are sexy."

"Ohhhhh sexyyyy~ , you're more sexy babe." He said, his usual smile back on his face [refer to the end of the chapter in the authors note section ;)]

"I love you Jaem." You said as you giggled at his previous words and leaned up to kiss him.

"I love you too sweetheart." He said, sending a sweet smile your way before meeting you halfway and kissing you.


Jaemin is honestly so wholesome and that's why I love him smAlso Haechan's disgusted face in the picture I can't- 😭

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Jaemin is honestly so wholesome and that's why I love him sm
Also Haechan's disgusted face in the picture I can't- 😭

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