Haechan pt 2

343 14 2

Part (2/2)

Non idol

Word count : 886


Donghyuck sighed out, his hand lingering on the doorbell but not actually ringing it

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Donghyuck sighed out, his hand lingering on the doorbell but not actually ringing it. He was scared.

What if you just closed the door on his face?
What if you didn't want to talk to him?
What if you wanted to break up?

He gently slapped his face at the last through and shook his head, trying to shake off the negativity that was flowing through his brain.

He finally rang the doorbell and he could feel his heart racing in his chest.

In the matter of a few seconds, you opened the door, your eyes immediately widening at the sight of your boyfriend.

However much you wanted to just close the door in his face and not talk to him, you noticed his red eyes and the slight downward twinge of his lips which was a rare sight to see on him. You had a soft spot for him and it hurt to see him like this.

Without a second thought, you asked him if he was fine.

That was the breaking point of him, the tears which he was holding back, finally making their way out. He lowered his head, but the visible shaking and sniffling of him made it clear that he was crying.

"Donghyuck?" You said, panic laced in your voice.

You immediately pulled him in your house and closed the door, pulling him in a gentle hug which he didn't hesitate to reciprocate.

"I'm sorry Hyerim. I'm so fucking sorry. I don't know what came over me. I was such a douche to when all you did was try to talk to me. I feel so dumb right now, and I'm so sorry love. I understand if you would want to have some space and I'm not forcing you into forgiving me but I hope you know I love you and I'll never repeat it-"

His words were cut off by the a pair of lips placed on his.

"Hyuck, you're rambling. I accept your apology. I'm sorry that I just stormed off from your house." You said to which the boy just shook his head.

"Babe you had every right to react the way you did. It was my fault. I was the one who called you over and it was just not right to neglect you and call you clingy when all you did was try to get my attention. If I were you I'd probably just shout at the guts of someone to call me clingy when they were the one to ignore me after calling me to their place."

"Did you just imply that you wanted me to shout at you?"

"I mean, no but I'd take it because I know I deserve it."

"Hyuck it's alright. I love you so much. I could never stay mad at you because just looking at you makes me want to hug you and kiss you all over. I understand if you sometimes find it too much because even I feel like I'm too affectionate. You were gaming, which you admit was wrong since I was there but I was also wrong to come cling to you when you were frustrated from that game so you weren't thinking right when you told me off. It happens. We are only human."

You finished with your words but then immediately panicked as you thought you said something wrong since you saw Donghyuck crying even more.

"Hyuck, what happened? Did I say something wrong? I'm sorry-"

You stopped your words as you saw him vigorously shake his head.

"Babe you said nothing wrong. It's  just that you forgave me so easily. I don't think I deserve it. Plus you took the blame upon you, it was my fault. All my fault. I was a dick to you. I knew you had insecurities about the affection you give but I still said that shit to you. In all honesty, love you were never annoying or too affectionate to me. I love it when you do that, makes me feel so loved and wanted. I love everything you do babe." He said, as he gently held your hands in his.

You stared at him, your tears resurfacing at his kind words. You didn't think again as you embraced the boy in front of you in a tight hug.

"I love you hyuckie."

"I love you more baby."

"I want us to promise something to each other." You said, breaking the hug.

Your boyfriend looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to speak.

"Let's never fight like this again. Let's settle everything then and there and never leave the place without settling the fight. It would just make it more difficult to patch up."

Donghyuck nodded as he smiled and then embraced you again, saying sorry over and over again and kissing your forehead.

Eventually you laughed and separated from him as you pulled him to the couch to finally cuddle and watch some movies.

The rest of the evening was spent that way, in each other's arms, sharing kisses and loving glances towards each other.

If there was one thing you learnt about your boyfriend, it was that sometimes even if he was a stubborn person, he was a sweetheart and cared deeply about his loved ones.


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