Mark pt 2

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Part (2/2) of Mark duology

Non idol au

Word count : 1390


As you walked in the halls of the hospital, your tears made their way out and you sat down on a nearby bench

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As you walked in the halls of the hospital, your tears made their way out and you sat down on a nearby bench. The pain of potentially losing your beloved partner because he forgot you was too much. No matter how much you wanted to console yourself that everything would be alright and that it was already lucky enough that Mark woke up, you couldn't. You loved him to much to let him go and you wanted to be selfish for this love. Bypasses looked at you with pity as you cried your heart out.

Soon, a hand was pressed on your shoulder as you saw Taeyong standing beside you, looking at you with sad eyes. You hastily wiped your tears as you tried to not ugly cry in-front of him.

"It's okay, you can cry Aera." He said, as he pulled you in his embrace and you once again burst out crying.

Taeyong was like an elder brother to you, your motivator to encourage you to pursue the relation you had with mark, him being the one who introduced you to his friends.

"Yong, I don't know what to do. He forgot me. He doesn't remember me, or the time we spent together these last 3 years. I lost him!!" You cried.

"Don't say like this Aera, I'm sure Mark will remember you. You played too important of a part in his life for him to forget you so easily. I'm sure there is a way to get him to remember again. He still has those memories, right here." Taeyong said, pointed to his heart.

You weakly smiled as you thanked him for being there for you to which he replied 'anything for you.'

Suddenly, it was like Taeyong had a lightbulb moment as he snapped his head towards you.

"Hey, I just had an amazing idea."


You and Taeyong rushed back to the room where your boyfriend was admitted and while Taeyong was explaining the boys the master plan he had thought of to try and make Mark remember, you stared at the said boy with pain in your eyes. Oh how you wished you could have just engulfed him in a tight hug right when he woke up and pepper him with kisses all over, showcasing your love for him. Oh how you wished he could just look at you-

It was as if Mark sensed your thoughts as he made eye contact with you. His eyes widened as he grabbed his head and winced which bought the attention of the other boys.

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