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Plot : he was your best friend since you were in diapers. Your friendship was perfect and you couldn't be happier. Or could you?

Warning : this is a non idol imagine and it would have mentions of alcohol, drinking and
non consented touching

Word count : 1021


Today was the last day of your school before summer break

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Today was the last day of your school before summer break.


You and a few other friends of yours planned to go to the bar to have some fun. You dressed up in a black mini dress with a fur overcoat in case it gets cold and paired the whole outfit with black heels and a small purse.

 You dressed up in a black mini dress with a fur overcoat in case it gets cold and paired the whole outfit with black heels and a small purse

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You looked at yourself in the mirror satisfied. Your phone buzzed, sitting at the nightstand as you picked it up when you saw hendery's name flashing.


Hey, are you ready?

Yeah I am

Okay then come out. I just reached your house.

Thankyouuu so much my love

He shook his head that the nickname as he ended the call and waited for his friend to come out.

Time skip

Entering the club, the sting smell of alcohol and smoke invaded your nose accompanied by the blasting music playing in the club. You dragged Hendery to the bar to have a few drinks where you spotted your other friends.

It was amazing. Dancing and drinking without a care of the world. No assignments or projects due to be submitted. No worrying about getting hungover the next day and going to collage. You vibed to the music playing in the club until you felt the need to go to the restroom.

You excused yourself as you walked towards the restrooms, slightly stumbling due to the alcohol in your system. Once you were done, you started walking back to the dance floor until a man who was clearly completely drunk smirked at you. You felt unsafe as you made some distance from him and tried to walk away but that didn't happen when he held your hand.

"How's a girl so gorgeous as you alone? I'm sure you wouldn't mind some company." He said, a creepy smirk on his face.

"No, get away from me you freak-" you said trying to push him away but you were cut off when he slapped your face.

"Shut up and be a good girl. I'll help you have a good time." He said kissing your neck, his hands going to hold your hips.

You cried still trying to push him away but you being tipsy didn't help. Suddenly, a strong force ripped him away from you.

Hendery's pov

It's already been quite a while since y/n has been gone. Is she okay? Should I go check on her? Did she like puke or something? Or, is she in some trouble-

Shaking off negative thoughts, he let the others know he was going to find you and pushed past the sweaty bodies on the dance floor.

My heart stopped for a minute when I saw a drunk man all over y/n while she was helplessly crying trying to push him away. The shock was replaced with rage as I threw a strong punch at the man and beat him up until he was almost unconscious.

"How dare you try to do that shit with her?" I said, continuing to throw punches at him.

Once I let go, I immediately ran over to y/n who was against the wall on the floor, crying helplessly. I embraced her in a hug and whispered small "it's okay's" in her ears. Once she calmed down, I helped her off the ground and took her back to our friends just to let them know that I was taking her home. All of them looked worried but didn't press the topic knowing it was a sensitive issue. All of them wished good night and pulled us in a soft hug as they waved us off.


I carefully laid the girl on her bed, going to her wardrobe to grab some comfortable clothes for her shower.

"Hey, go take a shower and change into these, you'll feel better."

"Hendery, please don't leave. Stay here with me tonight."

I just nodded knowing she would feel safer to have someone with her because of the incident.


Once she was out of the shower, I gave her some warm tea to help her feel better.

"Thank you." She said, slowly sipping the tea.

"Of course, I know you like tea so-"

"No, not for that. For helping me at the bar before. And also for being here and taking care of me. My mind just went blank back there and I didn't know what to do like-I wanted to scream for help but it was as if the words weren't coming out of my mouth. I never felt so helpless and weak in my entire life."

"Hey, it's completely natural for you to feel like that. That drunkard deserved the treatment he got. I would always be there for you y/n, always." He said, gently holding her hand.

"Why are you so sweet to me Hendery?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like you are good to everyone but I can't help but notice the extra things you do for me."

He smiled as he finally said it out loud.

"It's because I like you y/n. More than a friend. I do that because seeing that smile on your face just makes my heart flutter and makes me happy."

No ones pov

She just started at him, taken aback by the sudden confession. He was getting nervous about her silence but he was glad to have finally said it. If she didn't like him that way, he would move on. It would be hard to let go of your first love but he would try.

His nerves disappeared when he saw a small smile appear on the latters face.

"I like you too Hendery." She let out as she engulfed the boy in a tight hug and closed her eyes at the feeling of his lips being pressed on her head.


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