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Plot : He was on the MV set for his newest comeback and you surprise him.

Genre : fluff

Word count : 997


Renjun was with the dreamies to shoot their new music video for their comeback

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Renjun was with the dreamies to shoot their new music video for their comeback. It had to be shooted in a cold location which proves it to be difficult to stand outside for too long.

You wanted to be there for him (stream be there for me by the 127 boyz) to offer comfort and bring some food for all the boys.

You made a quick stop at their favourite take out place and picked up their favourite meals with some hot drinks to offer warmth in the cold weather. As you made your way towards the location Jaemin had sent you, you were excited to surprise Renjun and felt so giddy that even made the cab driver look at you weirdly but did you care? No. All that mattered that you reached thier shooting location on time so that you could see him.

Reaching there, you could see all the staff running upto the members with coats and jackets in hand. Perfect. It meant that they had finished the scene they were filming and would have a small break probably for eating since it was 2 pm already.

Thanking the driver for the ride, you made your way towards your boyfriend who looked like a snow prince in this weather and his beautiful face.

God must have really loved him to give him such a perfect face.

You smiled to yourself walking towards the boys slowly to not drop any food.

"Oh Y/n noona!" Chenle shouted noticing you first.

"Y/n? Oh my god what are you doing here?" Renjun said, his eyes wide and face confused but was soon replaced with a big smile as he moved to help me with the food. Once he kept it on a nearby table, he brought me in a hug, immediately warming up your previously cold figure.

All the other boys greeted you with warm smiles which you gave back and left towards the table where the food was kept.

"Hey baby what are you doing here? It's so cold. Did you layer up properly? You can catch a co-" His rambling was cut off by you pressing your lips onto his cold ones and giving him a short but sweet peck.

"I should be the one who should be concerned love. You were out here for hours. So I got you some food and warm drinks to help you feel better."

"You being here already makes me feel better love. Thankyou for your effort. I love you." He said sweetly, tucking some stray pieces of hair that came on your face due to the wind behind your ear.

"I love you more injunie." You said hugging him once again and placing a long kiss on his cheek.

"Aish your face is too cold baby. Come on sit down and eat up." You said pulling him to the table where all the other boys has already started to devour their favourite meals, thanking you for your effort.

When all of them were done eating, Renjun had requested you to stay for a bit longer since he wanted you to see him dance and act for the music video.

It was no surprise that you were incredibly proud to see him act and it was fun listening to small clips of their new song as they recorded, seeing haechan annoy the members by clinging onto them but running away when Renjun chased him down.

Time skip

It was now 6pm and you didn't know how time passed so quickly that you ended up staying there for the whole day they filmed. You just got back to your home with Renjun by your side who took permission from his manager to stay the night at yours and would join them at the shooting location tomorrow morning directly. His manager was hesitant but allowed him since he trusted you and was actually really cool with what the members were doing on their own time as far as he knew about it.

You both cooked dinner and Renjun made you both some tea afterwards to help offer some warmth which you gladly accepted.

"Thank you so much for coming to our film set today." Renjun said all of a sudden, gently talking your free hand in his.

"Of course. I had fun jun and I loved to see how you danced so beautifully even in this weather. You really are my Prince Charming." You said smiling and placing a peck on his hand.

"I love you so much. I hope you know how grateful I am for you to stick around me even in my hard times. I know it's hard to love an idol due to their schedules let alone be in a long term relationship. I love how you are so supportive of me and understand me for who I am."

"I love you too jun. So so much. It's not difficult to love you, and what I do for you is no different than what someone who loves you would do for you. You deserve the world and never ever put yourself down or think negatively because you are busy. It's a part of life and it's your work and I respect you for it. As long as you are happy and healthy, I'll be happy. Never hesitate to share your thoughts with me. I'll always be here for you."

He didn't reply back but it was visible on his face that how in love he was with you and when his eyes shed a few tears, you couldn't help but let yours fall too.

God he is such a pure soul for this mean world.

You thought as you felt like talking away any problems he had and you simply pulled him in his embrace and kissed his forehead.

He was your home and you were his.


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