Kun pt 2

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Part two of Kun's best friend duology!!
Make sure to read part 1 to get a better grip at the story and enjoy reading!!

Word Count : 1274


The rest of the day continued normally

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The rest of the day continued normally. Kun was with Mei and Sicheng kept you company for the whole day, uplifting your mood and distracting you from the two people whose relationship bothered you the most.

You loved Kun, not as a lover but as a true friend and it hurt seeing someone you cared for leave you for someone who once was his best friend. It's not like you were against it, but the fact he completely neglected you made you feel terrible.

Making your way to the school lethargically, you saw Sicheng and Ten waiting for you at the gates like usual.

No sign of Kun anywhere.

You sighed but it didn't surprise you at this point. You shrugged off the faint feeling of being left out but still waved at the two boys with a smile on your face.

Everything was the same in your life, just no Kun. All the boys were still cheery but what did differ was your relationship with Sicheng.

He was once just a person who was a part of the friend group you had and you both were friends but never as close as you were with Kun or Yangyang or Ten. But now, it was surprising how far your relationship had improved. He had become a major influence in your life.

He was the one who helped you the most when you were hurt by Kun's actions. He had suggested multiple times to just confront Kun of his behaviour but you always stopped him saying that it's alright if he wants to be with Mei. They were best friends after all.

"Hey Mirae" Sicheng greeted, pulling you in a hug which you gladly reciprocated.

"Hey Cheng. Hey Yang. How are you both?"


All 8 of you were now sitting at the cafeteria eating lunch. You had expected it to be normal like everyday, Kun sitting with Mei and you with Sicheng but you were shocked when Kun settled beside you.

You looked at him confusedly.

"What, can I not sit with my best friend?"

You scoffed at his words but said nothing and continued to eat your meal. You could tell from the look on Sicheng's  face that he wanted to say something but you signalled him to not.

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