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Plot : he was your secret boyfriend, what would happen if one day everyone knows about you dating him?

Non idol/uni au

Readers name : Yoon Siwon

Word count : 1246


The annoying blaring of the alarm echoed in the room

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The annoying blaring of the alarm echoed in the room. You whined as you covered your ears and nudged the person sleeping beside you to turn it off.

A deep groan was heard as the ringing finally stopped. You were about to fall into deep slumber once again when the whole weight of the person was plopped on you.

Your eyes went wide as you smacked his bicep to get him off of you.

"Yah sung get off me! Do you want to kill me?"

"Mmm wake up Won, we have uni."

"Aish get up from me first."

The boy chucked as he rolled off from above you and laid on your side. You turned to face him, fully prepared to glare at him and giving him an earful of trying to kill your 5'4 self by his 6 foot self, but that changed when you saw his morning face, cheeks squished by his pillow, hair messy and falling on his face, a small pout on his face as he tried to wake himself up.

"What?" He asked once he noticed your silence and saw you staring at him.

"Why are you so cute?" You asked, not rounding off your words whatsoever.

"Huh?" He asked, baffled from your change in mood when he literally crushed you to wake you up from sleep.

"You are so cute that I can't even be angry at you. Whyyy"  You whined as you reached over to pull and squish his cheeks.

"Thanks you're cute too." He chucked as he embraced you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.

This was how your morning went with your boyfriend of 1 year. You both were in it strong, dating each other, any fights rarely happening, all courtesy to both your nature to talk the problems out.

However, your uni life wasn't as sunshine and flowers. You both had been dating in secret, only your closest friends knowing about the truth. Why? Because he was extremely popular around the campus, due to his ethereal looks, his dancing skills and his friends who to mention were just as handsome. And because he was famous, he had fangirls and he was scared of them trolling and hurting you.


Reaching uni, your day started just as usual, you and Jisung separating yourselves begrudgingly. You walked in your class, immediately waving towards your friends and going to sit with them.

The class went as normal and your friends, both looking dazed and drowsy as if they slept throughout the lesson agreed with you to meet you in the cafeteria after they had washed their faces to get rid of the tiredness. You laughed at their state and nodded your head as you went first to save you all a seat.

The classroom was almost empty as you packed up your belongings and began to step out the door, a group of 3 girls blocking your way. You rolled your eyes at the sight of the pick me girls of your school.

"What do you want Mira?" You asked, not in mood for her games.

"Oh Siwon I just wanted a favour. You'd do that for me right?" She asked, her lip gloss covered lips stretching in an innocent smile.

You looked at her confusedly, stunned at the fact that she was asking for your help.

"Look, it's a simple task. Just take this letter and give this to Park Jisung, you know him right? I've seen you both talk and thus it would be easier for you to convince him to talk and get to know me. Maybe go a little further than that." Mira said, giggling, making you almost gag.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you. Why don't you give it to him on your own." You said, trying to walk past her but her two other friends held you from leaving.

"Yah why won't you do it idiot? Wait, aww little Siwon do you have a crush on him?" She said, laughing as she walked closer to you.

You wanted to play it off saying that you didn't but you were tired of it. Whether they knew or not, you were going to get trolled by people regarding Jisung. If everyone knew, they'd try to get you two to break up which would never happen and if no one knew, you would have to hear people talk about being with YOUR boyfriend and hear them sweet talk and claim him which in your opinion was worse.

In any way, it was inevitable to not get attention from the few times you and Jisung had talked him school to make it look like you weren't more than acquaintances.

You took a deep breadth and shoved the two girls holding you and boldly spoke the words of your heart, something you wanted to shout to the whole school, loud and proud, letting everyone know who Jisung belonged to.

"Listen Mira, I understand that you like him because he is hot and sexy and an amazing dancer but get one fact in your brain that you can't and will never be able to date him since he already has a girlfriend that loves him and he loves her. So quit smiling over him and asking people for favours to pass on letters to him which by the way he never reads." You spoke, confidence oozing in your voice.

"What? How do you know that?" She asked, anger filling her up at your words.

"Oh darling I should know, I'm his girlfriend." You smirked.

The girls infront of you widened their eyes as they looked at you like you were some alien and then burst out laughing.

"You- and him dating? That's probably the best joke I've heard-" She said, wiping her tears.

Before you could respond, a familiar voice resonated in the almost empty classroom.

"Yeah she is my girlfriend."

You turned around to see your boyfriend standing there, a proud smile on his face as he spoke those words.

"She is my girlfriend, any issues with that?" He asked as he walked closer to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders.

"I- I don't believe you."

Jisung smirked as he looked at her then pulled you by your waist and kissed you right in-front of the three, now starstruck girls, gasps filling the classroom as an indicator that people were watching.

"Is this enough proof?" He asked once he pulled away.

Not finding her voice to respond, Mira just ran away, her two friends following her as you two couldn't help but laugh at it.

"Sung I'm sorry I revealed our relationship without asking you about it." You said.

"It's all good love, I don't have any problem with it as long as you're okay. I just want you to be safe. I won't lie though, it was hot how you told them to back off since I'm your man."

"Mmm you're hot."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

The two were in their own bubble, looking at each other with all the love in their eyes. Some students were in awe at the cute couple while some were jealous that Siwon was dating Jisung but by just looking at them, they knew that whatever they might do to rip them apart won't work.


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