
316 5 2

Plot : When he overworks himself and falls sick


Readers name : Han Seyeon

Word count : 1274



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Hey love, I'm sorry I'll be late today.
Don't wait for me to eat please. You should
eat and go to sleep baby. Sweet dreams, I love you❤️

Yongie, it's okay you don't have to apologise .
Please just take care and you too make sure to eat
and not overwork okay? I love you my sweet baby.💞💞

You sighed closing the chat with your boyfriend. You weren't upset that he wasn't spending time with you because you understood the demands of his job. You were just worried of him overworking himself and not eat or take breaks. Knowing him, he'd probably forget to do that. Since he is the leader of NCT, he always felt like he should be an ideal role model for his members, to not let them down.

No matter how much you reassured him that he was perfect and enough as it is, he was never satisfied with himself.

You frowned seeing the time in your phone worried as to when he would come back.

10:27 pm

You just decided to eat and go to sleep since if he specially let you know, then he must really be getting late. You finished your night routine and lied on your shared bed, the bed covers cold and the space on the bed feeling too big for a single person. Your hands found his pillow as you brought it close to you and smiled slightly at the lingering scent of your boyfriend from early this morning.

And just like that you were asleep.

This same routine continued for a few days until you barely even saw Taeyong. He was always coming home late at night and leaving in the morning around 9. You were growing increasingly concerned of his health and you wanted to ask him to cut down on his work for the sake of his well being but you knew you couldn't.

Today was no different that the other nights where you were just spending your evening alone after coming from your work, eating dinner in front of the tv, watching one of your favourite k dramas.

Your attention was diverted from the series as the doorbell rang. You were confused as to who would come at this time but when you opened the door, your eyes widened.

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