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Plot: you had a bad day at work and came back home late, wanting to just go to bed but ended up in something else.

Genre: angst with some fluff(?)
Word count : 1140

 Genre: angst with some fluff(?)Word count : 1140

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10:43 pm

You sighed seeing the time. Today was a very hectic day at work and you had an important meeting which did not go very well. It felt like the day just kept getting worse. At this point you just wanted to get home, and cuddle with your boyfriend to sleep. A small smile crept on your face thinking about him, but you knew he would be upset since coming home this late is something you never did.

A sudden text brought you out of your trance.

My love 😘

Y/n it's almost 11, where are you?
I've been waiting since 7 baby,
come home please.
Don't overwork yourself.
You were shocked to say the least , seeing he called you by the first name basis because he always called you cute pet names. You assumed that he might just be worried and typed it in a frenzy.

I'll be home in some time

You replied back and continued your work. As if time flew by in an instant, it was already 1 am and you finally packed up and went home.

At Home

You carefully opened the front door to not make any noise to wake him up but it was all a waste when you saw him sitting in the drawing room with cups of coffee lying in the table.
Guilt crept up your spine for keeping him up so late but hoped he would understand.

"Doie, baby?"

"You're finally home"

"Yeah, we had a really hectic day and work kept me occupied till late."

Just as you were about to go in your bedroom, you heard him say,

"Do you even know what time it is?"

"Baby can we talk about this tomorrow? I'm really exhausted right now and us bantering about it when we are sleepy won't work. So, let's have some sleep and calm down, okay?"

"No, I want you to tell me that why did you not care to call me or even send me a text saying you would be home late. I have been worried crazy thinking something might have happened to you."

You knew he was worried but you did not understand why he was making is such a big deal? It'd not like you are a baby who requires care 24/7. Couldn't help but feel annoyed, you let the emotions get the best of you.


Out of anger and irritation, you did not realise the words you said until you saw a single tear roll down your boyfriends cheek.
Eyes widening you tried to take steps closer to him, but he only moved back and that broke your heart.

"You think I'm clingy and annoying?" He asked trying to control the stream of tears that wanted to flow out.

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Just answer the question y/n, do you think I'm clingy?"

"No baby, no of course not. I'm sorry I'm just very tired right now and I was not in my right senses. I'm so so so sorry." You said, trying to control your own tears.

He did not say anything and just left the living room and into the guest room, locking it up.

You returned to the bedroom, thinking about what happened and couldn't help but feel like he was right. Had you not been that careless and would have informed him about you coming home late, everything would have been alright. He would be lying here next to you and would've cuddled you to sleep, whispering calming words in your ear to relieve stress.

You thought about how he was also an idol but also let you know about his whereabouts. Texting you or calling to tell you that he would be late, asking you to not wait for him and go to sleep, which you never did but it was the thought that counts.

Harshly wiping the tears that subconsciously slipped from your eyes, you got up from the bed and reached the guest room where he was, knocking in the door several times.

"Doie baby please open the door, let's talk this out yeah? I'm sorry, please , talk to me"

When there was no response for a few seconds, you felt your hopes of him responding decreasing when all of a sudden you heard the lock being undone and the door opening with a small creak. A sense of relief gushed in your system and took a deep breath to calm yourself.

Entering the room, your heart felt like breaking into a thousand pieces. His once smooth skin, stained with tears, the eyes you could see the whole galaxy of love he held for you, now red and puffy.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." While you tried to have a civil talk without any emotional drama, a single tear betrayed you and slipped out your eye and many followed after.

"I did not mean to make you worried, it's just that today I had a really shitty day at work and the amount of work I had was crazy and I forgot to text you. I'm so sorry. I promise I'll be more careful next time anything like this happens. And i'm incredibly guilty of lashing out on you earlier. Please forgive me love" you said while trying to control the endless stream of tears from your eyes.

"Y/n I'm not mad at you for coming home late, and I accept your apology. I just wanted to know if you were alright since this late at night there are so many sick freaks roaming around and I would not forgive myself if anything happened to you. I know you are capable of taking care of yourself but I need communication baby. What if I slept and something happened to you?"

"I understand, please forgive-"

Your sentence was cut off by him pressing his lips onto yours. A wide smile spread on your face and immediately responded to him. His arms wrapped around your waist while yours on his neck. The kiss was gentle but passionate at the same time and when you were about to deepen it more, he pulled away making you frown on the loss of contact.

"I said I accept your baby, stop saying sorry."

You gave him a smile and nodded, whispering a thank you and an I love you which he gladly said back and pulled you in for another kiss which lasted much longer than the last.


A/n : second story whoop whoop
Anywho just a fun fact, my bias is doyoung in nct 127
Who is your bias?

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