Night visitor

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I wanted to know more but suddenly a loud bang came from the door.

We both got startled and I quickly got up and opened the door. Non was standing outside. We were talking for so long that didn't notice that it's already dark outside.

'P, have you seen P New's mother? That house is empty.'

'Why are you here? Are you spying on me?' Aunty came out of the house and looked at him angrily. She really is a hot headed person.

'No no aunty....I mean madam, I just wanted to know if you are doing okay....'

'Do whatever you want but I am not going to let New marry you. You and your family can go to hell.'

'Madam ..... We love each other. I know my family's reputation is.... But I am not like them. Please believe me.'

'Really? Then why are you letting him do that ritual? It's dangerous and he may die!'

'I am not going to let anything happen to him. I will be there the whole time.'

'Who the hell are you! A doctor? A deity?'


'Listen to me carefully boy, I am not going to let anybody harm my New. I will kill you all if I have to.'

'Aunty calm down.....' She was fuming in anger and I was afraid that she would really do something to Non.

'Are you really against me and my family or you just don't want him to marry a boy. Are you homophobic?' This time Non's face was contorted with anger.

'You! I don't care if he wants to marry a cow or a tree. Even dung beetle is better than you.'

'You are not a nice lady.'

'I am not. And I have already chosen my New's partner. That's not you.'

My heart started to beat fast. Don't say Luke.... don't say Luke.....

'And who's that? Luke? His cheap assistant?' Non sneered.

'Yes. He is the perfect match for my New. So just get lost.'

'Great! I came here to tell you that P New is awake and wanted to see you but now....I am not letting you do that. Guards!'

Shit! She really pissed him off!

'P......I am sorry....but I have to do this....I will come and take you both to the ceremony the day after tomorrow. Until then stay here and don't meddle in our village affairs.'

'But Mae asked me to be the witness....of your marriage...' I clenched my fist and tried to negotiate calmly.

'Hm. There's a sudden change of plan. P New asked Mae to do the ceremony before the marriage. We don't have any problem so..... It's going to happen the same day.'

New asked for that? Is he planning something? I remember his words,

'It's just a business deal Tay don't worry too much.'

'Non won't let you off the hook that easily.'

'That's why I am going to take over the Jutamas family as well. He has to listen to me. I'll be the leader.

Non left after posting two guards near our houses.

'I shouldn't have lost my temper just now. I made a mess. Now New has to suffer.' Aunty said dejectedly.

'Don't worry Aunty. No one can harm him. I will protect him. I promise.'

'I want to see him.....I want to talk to him.... Because of me he is in danger. If anything happens to him.....I will burn this whole place down.'

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