A cursed child

164 19 12

She was a really funny lady.

When she started cleaning the house, I thought it would all fall apart. While cleaning the bedroom, she shook the bed so much that one of the legs came off.

'Let.....let me do it.' Seeing her efficiency of house cleaning I was forced to say that.

'I...I am not used to doing this kind of thing.' She sat down on the chair and said with a distressed voice.

'It's alright madam.' I smiled politely.

'Ah! You are the same age as New. Call me Aunty.'

'Su...sure.' I was more than happy.

'So chief, tell me, do you know New? Have you seen him lately? Is he doing okay?'

Suddenly I remembered New's expression.

'You and your thousand questions....'

Ha ha. I laughed silently. So that's how he must have felt whenever I bombarded him with questions.

'He was fine when I met him a few days ago. But I don't know about now....'

'Huh! If Luke was with me now, I would have easily found New. But my brother sent him somewhere for some work so he could not come with me....' She was muttering to herself.

Luke ........

Yes, she is fond of him..


'Huh? Oh yes, chief..... sorry, actually I am very stressed right now...'

'Do you want to eat something?'

'I am hungry.....but this kitchen....'

'The house next to you is mine. If you don't mind, you can come with me and have lunch together.'

'Really? Great! Let's do that.' She got up enthusiastically.

I sighed inwardly. Really, she is nothing like New. She doesn't know me but readily agreed to have lunch together. I shook my head slightly. I need to protect her. She is too innocent.

My kitchen wasn't that great either but atleast it has some utensils and ingredients to cook a decent meal.

'Let me cook.' She was wearing a pair of jeans and a snow white shirt and now I saw she started to roll up the sleeves.

'No no aunty. Please, You go ahead and take some rest.'

'Just hand me those veggies. I will make some tasty dishes. New loves to eat my cooking but he is always busy with work. Today I will make his favourite.'

'Okay aunty.'

And a war began in the kitchen. First she put the pan on the stove and poured oil while there was still some water inside. It started to splatter like some volcano has erupted.

'Every time! Every single time this happens! I don't know why!'

Really? It's hot oil and water..... it's natural that they will start a fight....

'Where's the garlic?'


'Thank you.'

'Aunty! Those are not peeled!'

'Huh? Oh never mind, this will bring more flavour to the dish.'

Are you sure? You are frying whole garlic with their skin intact.

'Are you going to take out the skin later?'

'No need.'


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