In my heart you kissed me

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In that dimly lit room his complexion was looking more pale .....he became thinner and his eyes were sunken and surrounded by dark circles.

'Have you eaten anything yet? Let me warm up some food.' Those days without food seemed like it took a toll on him.

Why God why? In the orphanage big brother punished him and locked him in a dark room without food and water......even now he is starving in the name of some stupid ceremony....

When we were little, whatever he was given to eat, he ate with great enthusiasm. He likes to eat everything specially sweets but we didn't get many chances to eat them. So I promised myself that I will buy him lots of sweets when we become grown ups.... I still have to keep my promise.

'I am not hungry.' But as always he tried to downplay his misery.

'Stop drinking that rice wine in empty stomach. You are destroying your liver.' I was really having a hard time seeing him like this.

'Mn.' He said nonchalantly.

'What's your plan for tomorrow?' Let's get over with that first.

'Why are you still scratching so much? Let me see. That medicine didn't work?'

He touched my neck and frowned.

'You are running a fever.'

'I am good. It will soon go away. Now tell me.....' Stop being so concerned about my health and start to think about yourself.

'Give me that medicine jar.'

'Huh? Oh ok.' It was in my pocket so I just took it out and gave him.

He opened it and took a sniff. Then abruptly his expression changed.

'Someone has tampered with this. This is not the right smell.' His face was red with rage.

'What? Let me see.' I took a sniff too and the smell was really pungent.

'How many times have you used it on the rashes?' He was distressed.

'Twice..... thrice....' I counted in my head.

'Any discomfort?'

'I.... it's itching more than ever.' I really wasn't feeling well. My head was spinning and my eyes are stinging.

'Stop using it. You need to go to the hospital asap. It's not looking good.'

What do you mean? Tomorrow is the D-Day. I am not going anywhere. Not even the hospital, which is in another village many miles away from here.

'Let's talk about tomorrow's plan....'

'I am going back for now but I will send someone to take you to the hospital. My mother's car is parked in the main road. You two have to leave with him. Let me talk to mom first.'

'I am staying here.'

New didn't say anything but got up and knocked on the bedroom door and entered.

My rashes are not an issue right now! Why are you using this excuse to send me away?

I was thinking about how to convince him when someone knocked on my front door.

'Where's P New?'

There was a man standing outside my door asking anxiously.

'Who are you?' I haven't seen him before.

'Tell him that he only has half an hour. They are coming back soon.'


I didn't understand the whole situation but from his words it looks like New came here when those guards went somewhere else.

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