A Rainbow of chaos

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Even though it had rained so hard yesterday, today the heat has not decreased slightly. This warm weather was making my rashes more itchy. I wanted to apply that cream New gave me last night but it's in my trousers pocket and my trousers are not with me. I left them in the Jutamas villa. So I sprayed some water on it and applied that ointment. It wasn't doing much but still better this than nothing.

In the morning I went to the site and saw that the repairing work was almost done. The rain damaged some of the part do they are working on that.

'Cheif, this part is almost done. Tomorrow onwards we are going to start working on the main road.' Somchan informed me.

'Okay. Good work everybody.'

'By the way, how are you doing? Your neck is so red. What happened?'

'Just some rashes. I think I accidentally touched some poisonous plants.'

'Ah! Be careful. Some of them are really dangerous.'

'Yeah, don't worry. I am applying medicine.'

'Good. Good.'

Next two days I didn't see New. But I didn't get anxious. He informed me beforehand so I just waited patiently. Second day I went up the mountain and switched on my phone. I need to make some calls.

Firstly I called Phuong. He answered and I put my request forward.

'You want me to go to the orphanage and talk to big brother? Huh! You really don't know...! Big brother is in jail for last ten years. For his illegal activities.'

'Then go to jail and meet him. Ask him about Mrs Jones belongings. I need you to find something for me.'

'Okay, I will do that. Call me tomorrow.'

Next I call Pa.

'Where are you? Why your phone is always switched off.'

'I am doing great pa. I am spending time with victor.'

'Really? But son, Victor is right now in Alaska. He is doing some project there.'


'Unable to reach your phone, we contacted Victor but he said that you are not with him and that he is currently in Alaska.'

'That's.....the thing is ...'

'Talk to your ma.'


'Ma ....I am...'

'Are you still in Bangkok?'

'Huh? Oh about that......'

'Stay there. We are coming.'

'What? No ma...'

'We are at the airport. We will reach there by tomorrow.'

'But ma....I am not in Bangkok...'

'What? Then where are you? You are not in Australia, I know that.'

'Ma....I am working right now on a road project.'

'Road project! What are you talking about?'

'You see, I just wanted to gain experience in every possible way so I joined this project. Right now I am in Rangong.'


'Rangong. It's a tiny village in south Thailand. You don't have to worry ma.....I am doing well....'

The line suddenly got silent. I looked at the signal bar and it's empty.

Huh! My luck is really bad. Now if they come to Bangkok......I need to stop them..but how.

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