My heart shattered.....My world shattered

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At night aunty did not come out of the room so I did not get any chance to talk to her. After making breakfast in the morning, when I went to call her, I saw that she was deep asleep. It seems that she didn't sleep well last night so she fell asleep in the morning. I left the room without disturbing her.

I still feel like what New said to me before leaving last night was incomprehensible and what he did is still unbelievable.

Did he really kiss me? Or it was an accident? That place was dark afterall.... maybe he didn't do it intentionally.....

I was so sure last night..... but in this broad day light......I think it was just my imagination....

Then what about this ring? I raised my hand to my eyes and looked closely, yes indeed there is a ring on my finger.

'Tay?' A gentle voice startled me.

'Aunty, you are awake? Come, have some breakfast.' I smiled and pulled the chair for her.

'Thank you. Have you eaten yet?' In only one night she looked like she fought a battle. Her face was pale and her mood wasn't right.

'I was waiting for you.' I started to serve her food.

'Oh.' She smiled faintly.

'Here. I made this for you.' I just cooked a simple meal.

She looked at the dishes and her face was brimming with some emotions.... joy, sorrow.... longing.....

I didn't know what to say.

'It's delicious.' She smiled and started to gobble up.

'Aunty slow down...' I hurriedly handed her a glass of water. She seemed very hungry so I served her an extra bowl.

'Sorry.....I.....' She was acting strange.

'Are you alright?'

'I am fine...I am fine..' She gave me half a smile.

'Did he tell you anything yesterday about when the ceremony would start there today?' I tried to read her face but in vain.

'Yeah.... it's in the afternoon...'

'Oh okay.'

'According to tradition, the marriage takes place in the morning but they're just doing whatever they want! Whatever, this marriage is not important to them....that ceremony is all they're thinking about.'

She wasn't in a good mood and didn't want to talk so I didn't disturb her further and went to take a shower. The rashes have spread from the shoulder to chest and the redness has increased more than before. I splashed water on it but the itchiness didn't go away. When I came out I saw that she was waiting for me in the kitchen.

'Someone came and delivered this.' She gave me an envelope.

I hurriedly opened it and a letter fell out. It's New's handwriting.

"I am sending some harbal medicine for your rashes. Take one every two hours and don't scratch them. I don't know how much it'll help but still give it a try. See you both at the ceremony.

P.S But remember, if your fever doesn't go down, then you have to go to the hospital. I asked someone reliable and he said this is a dangerous situation and if left untreated you may lose your eyesight. I am feeling helpless here. I can't help you in any way right now so please, I request you if you have a high fever tell mom immediately. She knows who to contact. She will leave with you as well. You don't have to worry about the ceremony. Everything will be alright.

I read the letter thoroughly and took out a small container containing little greyish pills.

'Last night New said that he will send the medicine for you. Take them first.' Aunty opened the container and looked at me.

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