68 ~ Awakening To Fear

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"I would rather spend one lifetime with you, than face all the ages of this world alone."


I couldn't help but follow Rooh when she stormed off. As I trailed behind her, a mix of concern and curiosity gnawing at me, I stumbled upon a scene in the corridor that sent a surge of anger through my veins. Arjun, with his normally calm demeanor replaced by an uncharacteristic harshness, was speaking to Rooh with such rudeness that it took everything in me not to intervene immediately. The sight of him towering over her, his words like venom, ignited a fury I couldn't suppress.

It didn't matter whether I was disappointed with her or not. Seeing someone, especially Arjun, treat Rooh with such disrespect was unacceptable. She was my queen, and no one had the right to belittle her. The moment she retreated to her room, the tension in the air palpable, I stepped forward with a purpose. My footsteps echoed ominously in the corridor as I approached Arjun.

Without a word, I clenched my fist and delivered a powerful punch to his face. The sound of impact reverberated around us, and Arjun staggered back, shock evident in his eyes. This wasn't just a reaction; it was a message. I wouldn't tolerate any disrespect towards Rooh, regardless of the circumstances. Arjun, my best friend, and her brother was no exception.

With a steely resolve, I issued his punishment: he would work on the construction site of our new palace building. It was a symbolic act, a way to remind him of his place and the consequences of his actions. The weight of my decision hung heavily in the air, but it was necessary. No one, not even someone as close as Arjun, had the right to hurt my queen.

The next day was a blur of festivities and rituals. Despite the vibrant colors of the holika dahan and the festive atmosphere, I couldn't shake the image of Rooh's pained expression. She tried to approach me several times, her eyes pleading for an acknowledgment, but I kept my distance, my own internal conflict raging. Ignoring her was a struggle, each glance she cast my way a dagger to my conscience.

In the midst of the celebrations, I found myself questioning everything. Did it really matter that she came from a different timeline? The answer, as it turned out, was no. What truly mattered was the person she was now, standing before me, vulnerable and hurting. How could she have trusted anyone with the truth when we had all treated her with such suspicion and cruelty? She had every right to keep her secrets, to protect herself from our judgment.

The memory of the night I had shared my insecurities with her resurfaced. She had comforted me, offered me solace when I needed it most. And here I was, repaying her kindness with pain and rejection. The realization hit me hard: I didn't deserve her. I was too consumed by my own pride and anger to see the damage I was causing. But it wasn't too late to change, to make amends and show her that she mattered more to me than any past or prejudice.

Sneaking into her room, I couldn't wait until morning to seek her forgiveness. The dim light from the lanterns flickered against the walls, casting long shadows that seemed to mirror my inner turmoil. Each step felt heavy with the weight of my regret and longing. Her room, a sanctuary of serenity, was a stark contrast to the chaos in my heart. The faint scent of roses filled the air, a reminder of her presence even before I saw her.

She was sleeping on the bed, the moonlight casting a soft glow on her face. Seeing her in that peaceful state, I felt a pang of guilt for the pain I had caused. I softly woke her up, her gaze met mine, questioning but calm. In that moment, I realized that our love transcended the boundaries of time. It didn't matter that we came from different worlds; what mattered was the undeniable bond between us. Her forgiveness came easily, her words a balm to my wounded soul. She urged me to leave the past behind and focus on our future together, and I felt a profound sense of relief wash over me. Yet, I confessed my fears to her, admitting that once she chose to be with me, I would be selfishly unable to let her go, even if I wasn't the best choice for her. Her reassurance, her unwavering certainty, filled me with hope and a renewed sense of purpose.

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