66 ~ The Urge To Love

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"There is a madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless."


As the curry spilled over, Avantika yelled at her, causing her to break her eye open and turn to face her. I saw her flinch, and tears welled up in her eyes.

I had never been this angry in my whole life as I was at that moment. My heart pounded furiously in my chest, and my vision blurred with the intensity of my rage. Every muscle in my body tensed as if ready to spring into action. My hands clenched into fists so tightly that my knuckles turned white, and I could feel the blood boiling in my veins. The world around me seemed to fade away, leaving only the overwhelming heat of my fury. Words struggled to form on my lips, choked by the sheer force of my anger. It was as if a storm had erupted inside me, and there was no holding back its destructive power.

Her teary eyes stirred something deep within me, a feeling I couldn't quite place. Just moments before, anger had consumed me, burning fiercely. But as Maya led her away from the hall, our eyes met once more. My anger dissipated, replaced by a profound distress that twisted my heart painfully.

She looked so vulnerable, tears streaming down her cheeks, and I felt an overwhelming urge to comfort her, to shield her from whatever was causing her pain. Maya's grip on her arm was firm, yet she moved reluctantly, her gaze never leaving mine. In that instant, I wanted to break free from the chains of my own emotions, to reach out and hold her, to whisper words of solace.

But I sat frozen, trapped in the storm of my conflicting feelings. The hall around us seemed to fade into the background, the noise and chaos dimming as the world narrowed down to just the two of us. The pain and humiliation she experienced felt like they were mine, and I came to the realization that my anger was insignificant in comparison to the agony of witnessing her in this state.


It's been a few days since the incident, and the impact she has on me after only our first meeting is terrifying. I can't stop thinking about her – her eyes were haunting me, her image lingers in my dreams. Every time I close my eyes, I see her face, and my heart races with a mix of fear and fascination. The way she looked at me, as if she could see right through me, has left an indelible mark on my soul. I feel a constant unease, a gnawing anxiety that I can't shake off. How can someone I barely know have such a profound effect on me? It's as if she's cast a spell, and I'm powerless to break free.

I wanted to talk to her, but why? Why did she have this effect on me? Her teary orbs haunted my thoughts, stirring emotions I couldn't understand. Why did her sorrow affect me so deeply? I didn't even know her name. How could I be emotionally attracted to someone who was essentially a stranger?

Each day, these questions gnawed at me, pulling me into a spiral of confusion. I found myself replaying our brief encounter over and over, searching for clues in her expression, her voice, her eyes. Those eyes, filled with an unspoken sadness, seemed to reach out to me, begging for understanding, for connection.

There was an inexplicable pull, a magnetic force drawing me towards her. I knew logically that it made no sense. Yet, logic had no place in the storm of emotions she had stirred within me. It was as if some part of me recognized her, resonated with her pain, even though my mind couldn't comprehend it.

I tried to rationalize it, to brush it off as a fleeting infatuation, but the feeling persisted. It was deeper, more profound than anything I had experienced before. Her presence, even in memory, was overwhelming, consuming my thoughts, invading my dreams. The urge to see her again, to understand her, to comfort her, was becoming impossible to ignore.

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