69 ~ Embrace Of Healing

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"I love you cause the entire universe conspired to help me find you."


Though fear gripped my heart, this was not the moment to succumb to it. Resolutely, I turned to Ansh, "Get the team ready. I need to change; we leave in five." My voice carried the authority and urgency of a commander preparing for battle. The adrenaline coursing through my veins sharpened my senses, fueling my determination. I would deal with everyone involved once I had that bastard in my clutches.

Ansh had already tracked their location; it wasn’t a significant challenge for my elite security team. As I changed into combat gear, I could feel my anger simmering, ready to boil over. Today, he would witness the real me, the Dev Pratap Singh I had kept hidden. The ruthless side, the one who showed no mercy to those who dared to harm what was mine.

We sped through the darkened streets, the city lights fading into the background as we approached the outskirts of Prayagraj. The secluded house loomed ahead, a perfect hideout for those who sought to avoid detection. There was no time to waste clearing more mess; my focus was solely on Rooh.

I signaled the team to move in quietly, like shadows blending into the night. With Ansh and a few men at my side, we slipped through the entrance, eliminating anyone who dared cross our path. My anger was a raging storm, each enemy I took down only fueling my resolve. We ascended the stairs swiftly, the third floor coming into view.

The door loomed before me. I paused for a brief moment, signaling the team to halt and hold their positions. I could feel my heart pounding, each beat echoing with the promise of retribution. Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped inside, the room dimly lit by a single flickering bulb.

There she was—my Rooh, bound to a chair, her head lolling to one side in peaceful oblivion. The sight of her sent a jolt through me. Despite her predicament, she looked serene, undoubtedly under the effect of anesthesia. I approached her slowly, every step a promise to make her captors pay.

Kneeling beside her, I gently tapped her cheeks, hoping to rouse her from the drug-induced slumber. Her skin was cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the fury burning within me. I glanced around and spotted an earthen pot filled with water. Grabbing it, I carefully scooped some water and sprinkled it on her face, watching as she scrunched her nose in response. Her eyes fluttered open, disoriented at first, then widening as she recognized me.

“Rooh,” I whispered, my voice trembling with a mix of relief and anger. “It’s me, Dev. You’re safe now.”

Her gaze softened, and a weak smile tugged at her lips. “Dev...” she murmured, her voice barely audible.

I cupped her face in my hands, my heart aching at the sight of her vulnerability. “I’m here, and I won’t let anyone hurt you again,” I vowed, the weight of my promise hanging in the air.

I released her bindings and kissed her forehead, a gesture of reassurance amidst the chaos. We were momentarily lost in the solace of each other’s presence until the sound of approaching footsteps shattered the tranquility.

"My, my, look who is here—the infamous Dev Pratap Singh. The CEO, or should I say, the crown prince of Magadh. Well, CEO it is, since it’s not like you remember anything. Do you?" The voice dripped with condescension, igniting a surge of rage within me.

I turned, still holding Rooh’s hand, and my gaze locked onto the man standing at the threshold. Recognition dawned immediately—it was him. The same malevolent glint in his eyes that I had noticed during our past encounters, during our excursions, and at the temple. His attempts to conceal his intentions had always been in vain.

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