Bonus chapter 1

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"You're the closest to heaven, that I'll ever be."


Read at your own risk; 18+ content.

As I entered the room, I was immediately enveloped in a symphony of soft floral scents and the warm, flickering glow of countless candles. The sight was breathtakingly beautiful, a scene straight out of a romantic dream. My heart melted knowing it was my Rooh who had orchestrated this enchanting setting. Her touch was evident in every delicate petal and every carefully placed candle.

But beneath the beauty, a storm brewed within me. Two months had passed since our confrontation on the beach, and though I wasn't outright ignoring her, I had distanced myself. I hadn't responded to her "I love you" with the same words for two months. Instead, I deflected, replying with "not more than me" whenever she expressed her love. At first, she didn't notice the difference, but gradually, she realized my reluctance to initiate those three precious words.

We had remarried a week ago, a fresh start that I knew she cherished. She tried to address the growing chasm between us, but each time, I sidestepped the conversation. I wasn't ready to face the root of my anger. She confronted me on the day of our wedding, and I told her what was really going on. She made a sincere effort to get my attention, but I did not respond.

I was angry—angry at her for leaving me that day with nothing but a letter. Reading her words had felt like being stabbed. The pain of her sudden departure was still raw. And then she was kidnapped, taken by those bastards who could have done anything to her. The fear and rage I felt during her absence consumed me. Her carelessness in putting herself at such risk was unforgivable to me.

The intimacy we once shared, a physical and emotional bond that had always brought us close, was something I hadn't initiated in months. It was agonizingly hard to hold back, to not reach out and touch her, to not kiss her with the same passion we once had. But my anger was a barrier I couldn't break through.

Now, standing in this beautifully decorated room, I felt the weight of all those unresolved emotions pressing down on me. I knew Rooh had gone to great lengths to create this moment for us, to bridge the gap that had formed between us. As much as my heart ached to forgive and move forward, the scars of the past two months were not easily healed.

I took a deep breath, the mingling scents of roses and vanilla calming me slightly. I needed to talk to her, to finally confront the emotions that had been festering inside me. This room was more than just a romantic gesture; it was an invitation to mend what was broken. I couldn't keep running from this conversation, from her, from us. It was time to face the truth and find a way back to the love we once shared.

I stood there for a moment, absorbing the warmth of the room and letting it seep into my soul. My eyes traced the intricate patterns of flower petals arranged on the floor, forming a path that led to Rooh, standing near the window, her back to me. She turned around, her eyes soft yet searching, reflecting the candlelight and the hurt she had been carrying.

"Dev," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I'm glad you're here. I've been wanting to talk to you."

I nodded, taking slow steps towards her. "I know, Rooh. We need to talk."

She took a deep breath, steadying herself. "I'm sorry, Dev. For everything. For leaving that day, for the letter, for the pain I caused you. I never meant to hurt you."

Her words hung in the air, heavy with regret. I could see the sincerity in her eyes, the tears she was trying to hold back. It was the moment of truth, the confrontation we both had been avoiding.

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