Tae's POV
Someone, please let my fiance know that the hospital bed is for me and that he should sleep somewhere else. He also won't let the nurses take care of me and does everything for me. I have a wheelchair to move around with, but he carries me to and from the bathroom, and he also feeds me.
Tae:" Baby, I have to move around by myself. Otherwise, I am just going to get blood clots
Jk:" I don't want you to be in pain
Tae:" It's inevitable, I can't escape it.
Jk:" Well,I am going to ask them for the strongest medicine
Tae:"I will get addicted to it
Jk:" Okay,but still,anything to stop the pain
Tae:" Hey,I am going to be fine. I will heal quickly, you'll see.
Jk:" I hate it when you're in pain,worst when you hide it.
Tae:" I promise that I will tell you when I am in pain,I won't hide it
Jk:" Okay,that puts me at ease
He looked over at the boys and smiled
Jk:" Look at them sleeping so peacefully. They are so tiny,fragile, and adorable. And they smell so darn good. When I hold them in my arms,I don't want to put them down.
Tae:" I know,you did an awesome job with bathing them today. You became even more attractive than before,
Jk:" Mmmm, maybe I should do that more often.
Tae:" That's if mom and Mi-yoon let us.
Jk:" I know
Tae:" Hey,uhm did -
I was about to ask him about Bogum,but my doctor came in with his nurse to remove the drainage tubes from my abdomen..
They greeted us politely and rolled the blanket down.
Dr:" You are doing really well,and let me just tell you that I am so happy that you choose me to be your doctor, we sweet a new record. Seven months and 9 days.
Tae:" Congratulations to us
Dr:"Let's get this out,it's going to hurt a -
Jk:" Can you give him something before taking it out?
Tae:" It's okay, baby.
He held my hand and stroked my hair. The doctor pulled out the tubes with caution, and I held onto Jungkook a little tighter. When both of them were out,they cleaned me up and put the new,waterproof bandage that I had to stay with for about a month
Dr:" I will keep you here for one more day, and then you are free to go
Jk:" Thank you for everything, doc
Dr:" You're both very welcome . Remember to walk,it will help ease the pain and with blood circulation. I know that the boys are asleep,but this is the perfect time to test their hearing,so we are going to take them with us. Baby Hoseok and Soekjin
Jk:" I will go with you
Dr:" Sure
The nurse pushed the boys out,Jungkook kissed me, and followed them out. I got more comfortable in the bed . I was about to sleep when the door opened again, and my mom walked in with a guilty look on her face.
Tae:" What? What happened?
Mom:" I kept saying no,but they really wanted to see you
Tae::" Who?

أدب الهواةJungkook has been secretly in love with Kim Taehyung since their early college years but never got the chance to tell him how he felt. No one but his brother Soekjin knows about Jungkook's sexuality. He hid it so well by dating a lot of girls. Their...