We Meet Again?

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It was the day after the battles. As l/n was walking up the mountain, she was met with a mob of reporters. Of them dashing straight towards her, "What's it like working so closely with the number one hero?" One of them asked, pointing a mic towards her face, his camerawoman flipped her camera to get a nice shot of her.

"Please back off." f/n spat shooing away the mic, a bit of her tattoo peaking out of her sleeve which caught the attention of the reporter. "Wait a minute, you're f/n l/n! Your mother was the pro hero Misty and your aunt is none other than Midnight! Are you here to continue on your mother's legacy?" The mention of Misty and Midnight drew in the attention of all the other reporters who began pushing their way through to get a glimpse of the poor girl.

"Did you get accepted through recommendation or did you participate in the entrance exam?"

"How did your family feel after the passing of the Pro Hero Misty?"

"Are you wanting to become a hero to enact revenge on the villain who took away your mother?"

So many questions danced around the girl and many of her other classmates who were getting bombarded with questions regarding All Might. She was just itching to begin a fight with these reporters if they were to continue their futile questions. The reporters were only saved when Aizawa told the reporters that All Might wasn't on campus and to stop bothering his students.

When they finally arrived at class, Aizawa took out a stack of papers which all had details of their battle results.

"Bakugou, stop acting like a child, you're wasting your talent. And Midoriya, are you always planning on destroying your arm? Stop making excuses." He grumbled, making the mentioned students jolt (well mostly Midoriya).

After handing the papers out, he shifted his pose into a more serious one, "This next task will decide your future." He warned, sending a shock of fear throughout the students eyes.

"You all need to pick a class representative." A sigh of relief escaped some of the students' mouths as they realized this was just normal high school business.

Hands shot up through the air all wanting to be the class representative. Though it meant getting more work, it also meant that agencies would recognize you for your ability to lead a team. Even Bakugou was barking up a storm ordering people to pick him as their class representative.

Just then, the noise was cut through by Iida jumping up and telling the students that instead of acting like beasts, they should hold an election. In the end, Midoriya got three votes and Yaoyorozu became deputy. In the corner, students saw Iida quivering in disappointment about the outcome of the election.

"I-I got zero...?" He slumped.

They were all excused out to lunch, f/n chose to sit with Jiro and Tokoyami. They debriefed about yesterday's fight when all of a sudden an alarm rang through the school ordering them to calmly evacuate the school. A majority of students didn't listen to a word the automated voice said, believing it was a villain who infiltrated UA. It wasn't until Iida somersaulted up using both his quirk and Uraraka's to get up on top of the exit sign. He was able to calm the crowd, telling them it was just the press wanting answers from All Might.

This action led to Midoriya revoking his title as class representative and handing it over to Iida for his outstanding leadership skills. What was even the point of the election?

Aizawa stood at the podium and instructed the students on the agenda for the day. He told them that today's lesson was in regards to rescue training with himself, All Might, and another pro hero.

After switching to their hero suits, the students gathered outside and waited for further instructions.

"Ahem, everyone! Please file two lines according to your numbers in order to be seated smoothly!!" Iida declared, with his hands chopping the air.

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