Bigger Fish To Fry

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"Hey, I wonder who is going to be our teacher now," Mina said. It's been a few days since the USJ incident and the students were talking amongst themselves in regards to their brief touch of screen time.

Just then the classroom doors slide open, revealing a mummy with shaggy black hair. "Morning class."

"Mr. Aizawa? What are you doing here?!" The students, who were all starstruck with how their homeroom teacher, who was recently thrashed around like a ragdoll amongst a multitude of villains, was now standing right in front of their eyes.

"My well-being isn't important," He muttered, once he staggered towards the lectern. "The battle isn't over." The class of 1-A shivered at the thought of another attack coming from the League of Villains.

He lowered his head to reveal his bloodshot eyes, "It is now time for the UA Sports Festival."

"Why would you scare us like that?" The class moaned, though very glad that this was the 'important' battle they had to face. However, some students such as Jiro, had their concerns.

"Is it really that smart to have the Sports Festival this soon?" She inquired, knowing it would be easy for another attack to arise considering this is a public event that has excited the city for many years.

"While this is true, UA doesn't want the public to think we don't have everything handled," Aizawa replied, soothing the students' valid concerns. "Plus, they are requesting more security this year just to be cautious. This is a huge opportunity for all students here at UA, we can't have a minor setback ruin your education."

"But it's just a stupid Sports Festival." Mineta cried, unaware of the true purpose of the Sports Festival.

"Huh, Mineta," Midoriya turned his head to face the purple haired kid, "Don't you know how important the Sports Festival is?"

"Of course I do! I just don't want to get murdered!"

"For anyone who cares about true competition, there is only one competition that truly matters. The UA Sports Festival." Mr. Aizawa explained.

Yaoyorozu then added that Pro Heroes also seeks out extraordinary students to offer internships during the up-and-coming break.

"It's true, if you do want to become Pro one day, then this Sports Festival is one of the most important things in your high school career." Aizawa addressed, "Being popular now can help garner you some popularity once you graduate.

And with that, the students were all hyped to show all of Japan what this year's students are capable of. During break, Uraraka dropped down into a hero pose marking that the entire class would do their best. Others complimented how they might not be recognized by the heroes because they don't have such a flashy quirk. However, f/n chose to spend her time in her seat working on tonight's homework so that way she could spend her time doing something more interesting when she came home.

"Oh hey um f/n." Midoriya, followed by Tsu, Uraraka, Iida, and Mineta, "I've been meaning to ask, what made you want to become a hero?"

If she had a nickel for every single time Midoriya asked one of his classmates about their ambitions to become a hero, she would have 16. "I didn't know what else to do." She bluntly responded, returning to the last few questions of her English homework.

"Oh uh wow." He muttered, his sweat dripping down his neck. He quickly wrote some notes down in his hero notebook. Before he could ask any more questions, the lunch bell rang. Looking up from his notebook he noticed the empty seat that belonged to l/n.

"Woah! Do all these people have business with us?!" Mineta shouted in surprise when a hoard of UA students were blocking the doorway of their classroom.

"They're trying to scout out competition," Bakugo spat, as he made his way to the door, "We are the first students to ever witness what it's like fighting against real villains. Now move it extras!"

"Don't call your fellow peers extras!" Iida scolds, once again waving his hand around.

"What a shame, I made the effort to come here only to find ego maniacs," A boy with purple hair said as he pushed through the crowd. "I too strive to get into the hero course, however like many others here, I was forced to choose something else. While I didn't cut it the first time, I'll be sure to get in next time. If any of us do well during the Sports Festival, the teachers can choose to bring us up to the Hero Course. That being said, if anyone from the Hero Course does poorly, then the teachers have the same right to kick you guys out."

A wave of fear then brushed through the class of 1-A, they had already spent their time forming bonds and building up their relationships with one another.

"Scouting out competition may be what some of the students here are doing," The boy said, "But I'm here to tell you that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot from right underneath you. Consider this a declaration of war."


"Hey Bakugou! You can't just leave after making the entire student body hate us!" Kirishima yelled, just as Bakugou was making his swift exit.

"These people don't matter." He said back, "The only thing that matters is that I'll beat them."

The next few days leading up to the Sports Festival was stressful. On top of the normal school work which was just as heavy as before the USJ attack, all students spent any of their little free time training.

f/n at the moment was in her backyard. Ever since the USJ attack, both her father and brother were hesitant to allow her to venture outside without someone else accompanying her. Though this was extreme, she was glad she just never told them that she went face-to-face with Animus. If she were to have done that, she knows that her whole career of being a hero will go down the drain and she'd never see the light of day ever again.

Back to the trainee, she stood in silence, the beads of sweat rolled down her forehead, her heart rate began to quicken, and her arms were starting to turn pale pink. Smoke continued to flutter around her. Opening her eyes, she attacks the poor tree in front of her.

"Damn, that tree didn't do anything to you," A voice said from behind. Turning around, it was none other than her dear old brother leaning on the back door.

"Shouldn't you be getting a tattoo?" She replied back, referring to the silly bet her father and brother had placed before the school year had started.

"Ugh, don't remind me!" Hayato exasperated, peeling himself from the doorway and making his way towards his younger sister. "He wants me to get a tattoo of Edgelord wearing a cowboy hat."

"That doesn't sound that bad." f/n responded, coiling her dragons to her side.

"That's not the issue, it's the placement! He wants it on my sleeve!"

"So? What's so wrong with that?"

"Have you seen my tats?!" Anyone seeing Hayato for the first time would think he was some Yakuza boss leader, tattoos of spirits, patterns, and animals littered his whole arms and even his back. Seeing a furry little chinchilla wearing an even smaller cowboy hat would ruin his whole "look".

"Like I said, so what?"

"Ugh whatever, let's eat."

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