See You Later

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That final punch sent the man straight into the wall, the muscles that once blurred his body now disappeared leaving behind a shriveled and beaten villain.

"Midoriya? You still alive? Cause you definitely don't look like it." A bewildered l/n inquired, carefully letting Midoriya fall into her arms.

"Yeah, I'm still alive." He chuckled in response, "More importantly is Kota ok?"

"Other than having puffy red eyes, he seems ok." She hummed, switching Midoriya to her back. "I can get us back to camp, don't worry."

"No, I need to find Kaachan, -" He said while slowly slipping off, until he was swiftly interrupted with a snort of a laugh.

"Ha, as if you could do anything in your condition. Your arm is actually the same color as Mineta's hair right now. You take Kota back to camp and I'll go find him." Squatting down, she softly wiped the tears of Kota, "Take care of Midoriya, you know how this idiot can be." Before Midoriya or Kota could protest, she leaped off the cliff and began soaring above the smoldering fire that was still burning beneath them.

I would think that Bakugou would shooting his explosions all over this camp after receiving permission from Aizawa. But where the fuck is he? She wondered while descending onto the ground once more. Her thoughts were then paused when a familiar black smoke tickled her foot.

Climbing on top of a tree, her thoughts of looking for Bakugou was put on hold when a much more fierce villain was within the premise. "Misty! I know you're here... Please don't hide." A chilling voice called out from within the darkness. Unexpectedly, the tree she used as a hiding spot began to fall. But before she could jump off, her foot was unexpectedly caught on a branch leaving her to fall down with the tree. The impact crushed her ribs and left her practically vulnerable to any attacks. "...Found you!"

"Nice trick ey?" Mr. Compress spoke from above. A wide eyed group of students looked up in astonishment with the new found information that two of their classmates were now gone. "I took the lad you're talking about with my magic. We'll provide him with a grander stage."

"Give him back!" Screamed Midoriya who still was sticking onto Shoji's back. Todoroki countered with the same ice wall he used back in the Sports Festival, however it only showed how unskilled he still was compared to an actual villain who was able to dodge his attack.

"Sorry! I don't have the time to fight back!" Smirked Mr. Compress as he was 'flying' away from them. "This is Mr. Compress, I have our target. Animus, I hope you're done too because we're officially ending our little show. Meet us at the retrieval point in five minutes or you're as good as dead meat!"

"We'll stop them, hurry, let's go." Ordered Todoroki as the rest of the students nodded in agreement.


The three boys of class 1-A were now shooting through the air and soon hit the ground using Mr. Compress as a cushion. They weren't alone though, meeting them was three more villains all ready to kill them.

A clash ensued between the seven of them. Dabi being able to roast Midoriya with his dangerous flames, whereas Todoroki flung Twice through the air with his ice abilities. It seemed as if Midoriya couldn't catch a break when needles started being thrown towards his face, a lovestruck Toga right in front of him just itching to get a taste of his blood. Thankfully, Shoji was just in time preventing Toga from skewering Midoriya with her knife.

"Midoriya, it's done." Shoji announced unclenching his hands to reveal two blue marbles within. But as they were running to get away, they were once again thwarted by Kurogiri. His portal opened all around them allowing all the villains to walk away scotch free.

"Hey, I hope you all weren't going to leave me behind?" Animus chuckled, as he walked out of the forest, a body slumped on his shoulder.

"Of course not, dear friend! I have yet to reveal my final trick." Mr. Compress laughed as he began slowly walking into the mist. "You see, wherever a magician is flaunting something shiny, it's usually because he is trying to hide something else." He unveiled his mask to reveal two pearly marbles in his mouth with their two classmates inside.

"That's the guy from the USJ! l/n and me fought him. I remember he seemed to recognize her." Todoroki glared as he panted out of exhaustion.

"Wow! Very cool, mind holding one more for me? She's precious cargo and I wouldn't want to see any more scratches on her." Animus grinned. With a touch of her leg, Mr. Compress was able to shrink down the unconscious l/n into another tiny ball.

"HE GOT L/N?!" Cursed Midoriya, guilt slowly eating at him as he felt that he could've prevented her from leaving if he had tried more. Before Mr. Compress, Dabi, and Animus could leave, Aoyoma had built up the courage to shoot out one of his naval lasers and smacked the masked man in the face, releasing two out of the three balls. While Shoji was successful at his retrieval, the same couldn't be said about Todoroki who lost to Dabi. In the end, only Tokoyami was rescued. Both l/n and Bakugou were now hundreds of miles away.


"Hey this is f/n l/n, sorry I can't take your call right now, please text me cause I won't be looking at this voicemail, unless this is you Hayato I won't text or call you back." Said the voice that night.

"Hey dad, did f/n text you recently?" Sighed Hayato, setting his phone down. "She said she'll text me after her bravery test, but it's been hours now."

Looking at his phone, Mr. l/n shook his head. "No, but maybe she was just tired after. You know how she is when she gets too tired." He said laughing it off, just then his phone began to ring. "Hey turn down the TV, I think she's calling right now!" He was sorely mistaken when an old photo of his high school friend lit up his phone. "Hey Shota, how are you doing?" His smile soon faded while the TV's volume began to rise once more with some breaking news.

"Dad, look..." Their eyes were glued onto the screen, the eyes of a familiar someone staring back at them. Big bolded letters written out "Missing" made them release just why f/n couldn't take phone calls at this time.

"Shota...what happened?"

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