Nice to See You Again

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It's already been a few hours since she and Bakugou were taken from the training camp. After going through that portal, f/n was strapped down into a chair and placed in a separate room from Bakugou. Looking around, all she could see was brown bricks and ripped posters. The smell was atrocious with alcohol and sweat lingering in the stuffy old room. But her wounds were all bandaged up.

Her thoughts were then interrupted when the shabby wooden door was gently opened by a face she'd never wanted to see again.


"Oh, you're finally awake!" He smiled, grabbing a bar stool that was next to her and took a seat. "My my, why the long face?"

"What do you want?" She spat, turning her face away. Annoyed, he roughly grabbed her jaw and twisted it to force her to make eye contact with him, simultaneously igniting his quirk, the black flames surrounding two individuals.

"You're forgetting that you're the prisoner. One wrong move and I'll kill you and your family." He snarled.

f/n's breath wavered before she readjusted her tone, "What do you want?" She spoke in a much more cautious tone. He hummed in approval before releasing his grasp on the girl.

"I just wanted to see my most favorite hero in the whole world! How's life, Misty?"

"My name isn't Misty."

"Oh? Then enlighten me!"

"As if." The black flames inched closer to the girl before quickly jerking back before it could touch her. f/n quickly faced away from his gaze as her voice shook again.

Compose yourself. Don't show your weakness, not to him.

"Oh? Then Misty it is! My my, you look just as beautiful as the day I first met you." He eerily smiled, caressing her cheek. f/n struggled in the bonds holding her down to the chair.

"Get your hand off of me," She ordered, surprised when he did halt his actions.

"And stop being a creep, you're just as old as my dad."

As if someone flipped the switch with this man, he abruptly stood up, causing his chair to be knocked down behind him.

"GOD, SHUT UP ABOUT THAT MAN...that fucking piece of shit has always been a thorn in my side." Animus exploded. Dark veins seemed to be popping out of his temple as his teeth grit and his fists gripped tightly against his side.

f/n paused as she watched the man in front of her begin to unfold. "How do you know my dad?" She finally asked.

Before he could answer, Shigaraki called out from past the door.

"That's a story for another time Misty, for now, now let's go say hi to your buddy." Animus huffed, changing the knots around her before yanking her out of her seat, making sure the remaining ropes were still wrapped tightly around her body.

"SHOTA WHAT HAPPENED?!" Shouted a panicked Oda, as he stormed into a room filled with other Pro Heroes and the police. Accompanying him were Hayato and Bakugou's parents. "You said she would be ok in the hero course! But first, the USJ, and now...this?" He stammered, his voice trembling at the end.

"Oda, we're doing our best to locate them." Aizawa muttered, unable to look his past friend in the eyes.

"Look at me, damn it!" An angered father ordered, clenching his fists around the scarf that was his support item design from many years ago during the start of his inventing career. "I already lost my wife, I can't lose her too."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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