The Aftermath

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"Morning," The girl said, walking into the room that her three classmates shared. She was assigned to a different room because of her gender and chose to visit them once she felt better.

"Morning l/n, did you sleep well?" Todoroki asked.

"Like a log, how about you three?"

"Not much," revealed Midoriya. "Thinking about that fight made me realize that we did something amazing."

Todoroki glanced towards Midoriya, "Yea, I agree." Iida sat idly on his own bed, not paying attention to the conversation at hand. "I'm impressed, Stain purposely allowed Midoriya, l/n, and I to live. But you Iida, he actually tried to kill you but you stood strong. I'm impressed."

Before Iida could defend Todoroki's claim however, a loud crash came from outside the door. When the door was opened, a relieved Airy stood hunched over against the door. "Oh thank goodness you're here l/n!" Accompanying him was Gran Torino and Manual.

"I could yell at you for hours, you idiot." Gran Torino warned, "But first you got a visitor." From behind the walls, was a ginormous man-dog, it was none other than Hosu's Chief of police. While Iida, Todoroki, and l/n rose from their seats, Midoriya stayed seated, unable to move his legs just yet.

"You're the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer: Stain, correct?" He affirmed, letting out woof after his sentence. "Right now he is being heavily guarded after succumbing to multiple broken bones and burns. I'm assuming you already know that when quirks became the norm, the police force fought to maintain the status quo. We decided to not use any quirks for destruction. That's when heroes came in, they could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed of course. However, clearly you four are not licensed!"

"Wait!" Interjecting Airy from behind, he extended his hands to reveal a bundle of paperwork and shared it with the Chief of police, "I Pro Hero Airy, gave formal permission to hero in training to f/n l/n, also known as Vindicta, before the attack occurred. As such I have prepared all necessary paperwork including the circumstances of why I had to, the extent of her power I allowed her to use, and a check for the fine of using a quirk without a license!"

Tsuragamae took the files from his hand and carefully examined each paper, "I see, well then looks like Ms. l/n is off the hook for now. How about you Gran Torino, Manual, did you give permission to your students too?"

Gran Torino shook his head, "No, I did not. I told Midoriya specifically to stay on the bullet train and head back to my agency before I assisted Endeavor against the nomus."

"As for me, Iida ran long before I was aware of the situation," confessed Manual, avoiding eye contact.

"Look, considering the news doesn't yet know who was behind the capturing of Stain, I'm willing to wait till later tonight for the paperwork if you would like to relieve the students from punishment."

"NO!" Proclaimed Iida, "At least for myself, I do not wish for that. I went against the law and used my quirk to enact revenge for my brother. I will faithfully follow through with any punishment you think will fit best."

"Me too!" Agreed Midoriya, leaping up from his bed. Todoroki nodded in agreement.

"Alright, well then, there's two oppositions I will bestow on you three." Disclosed Tsuragamae. "We make your story public. And while you'll receive praise from the public for your heroism, don't think twice that you and your superiors will receive a gross punishment for abusing your deadly quirk without a license. Or we keep your involvement a secret and tell the press that l/n rescued the three of you after receiving approval from Airy. This would mean you would receive no acclaim. The choice is yours."

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