Run or Choke?

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As f/n felt a light pressure on her shoulders, she realized the nerves from other students seemed to have been contagious.

I can't be getting scared now.

Throughout the whole examination area, the mock city had been meticulously planned to be as realistic as possible. f/n continued to stay light on her feet as she assessed the streets.

Lock on a target. Then, eliminate it.

With a quick swing of her right arm, a vicious, dark silhouette emerged from her tattoo and charged towards a three-pointer. Like a whip, it crushed the metal like it was made of fragile glass. f/n smirked at her success and continued to rush into other confrontations, destroying a large array of robots.

"Hey jerk! Stop stealing my points!" A blonde boy with a black stripe in his hair called out. He seemed to be peeved with his face in an expression of disbelief yet softened after seeing it was a girl.

He struggled to rise from his feet before attempting to catch up to her, "Hey, wait! You're actually are real cutie!" His attempts to flirt were left unsuccessful as f/n failed to hear anything over the sound of metal being crushed.

"Damn, she's too fast!"

Continuing to score as many points as possible, f/n found a group of three robots altogether while identifying them as two one-pointers and one three-pointers. Immediately, she jumped on an adjacent wall and bounced off with both of her smoke dragons released. In that instant, the mouths of the two dragons latched onto the one-pointers and swung the robots into each other.

As they started sparking and malfunctioning, f/n quickly dodged an attack on her left side coming from the three-pointer. Grappling the two one-pointers again, she sandwiched the larger robot into pieces.

Huff, huff...

f/n started to breath heavily while wiping the sweat running down her temple. "I wasn't counting, but surely this is enough to pass?" Just after mumbling, a huge tremor shook the mock city. Out of a cloud of dust came out the giant zero-pointer.

"Everyone, run!" Announced a fellow test taker, as they stumbled into the direction of the exit. Others followed as the zero-point began to run over everything in its path.

The same blonde boy from before screamed nearby f/n as she stared in awe, "Holy crap, what is UA's budget?!"

After knocking herself out of her shock, f/n began to notice other students being stuck under the rubble.

'It's unnecessary...nothing is's just more trouble...nothing is forever...It's unnecessary...noth--- is's just ---- is forever...It's's just ------...not--g is foreve-'

No. A hero doesn't choke when it comes to saving others.

Rushing out, f/n vaulted herself over the rocks and sprinted towards the hands reaching out for help. Unleashing her smoke dragons again, f/n picked up the debris restricting the movements of the other students.

"Are you alright? Can you walk?" f/n inquired as she placed her arm out for the other girl to support herself on.

"Yes, I can make it out by myself now. Thank you, really, so much."

So this is what it feels like...

Watching the girl take her leave from f/n, the h/c girl turned back to the zero-pointer. Before making another move, a loud announcement sounded throughout the city.

"Attention all examines, the practical exam for UA's hero course is now over. Please make your way to the exit or visit our medics if you are injured."

f/n heaved a huge sigh as she let her muscles relax. Raising her fist, she clenched it before lowering it shortly after. Taking a step towards the exit, she only made it five feet before grabbing her arms suddenly.

"Shoot, I overdid it." Looking at the sight of her biceps, they were glowing brighter and spasming. f/n bent over in pain as she also began to cough out black tar.

She hacked out, "Ain't no way I'm like a smoker..."

Before she could realize it, another student knelt down next to her. "Hey, um, wait- ah! Gimme a sec to come up with a line!" He awkwardly chuckled before quickly shutting up after seeing a dark glare on the hacking h/c girl's face.

"Get me a medic. Now-" She mustered out before coughing again and clutching her arms.

The blonde sweatdropped before yelling out, "WILL DO! SORRY TO BOTHER MA'AM!"


After getting treated by an old lady named Recovery Girl, f/n was finally able to head home. Despite being mostly healed, her fatigue was starting to catch up to her. As a last stop before heading back to the comfort of her home, she decided to stop by a convenience store on the corner.

With the faint ringing of the door following behind f/n, she headed towards the refrigerated items in the back wall. After scanning the neatly organized rows for a very awkward amount of time, she picked up a [choice of flavor] onigiri before also grabbing a [choice of fruit] sandwich.

Walking between the aisles, f/n stood in line waiting to pay before reaching the store clerk.

"Hello! Is this all?" The tired college student tried to say cheerfully.

f/n nodded before reaching into her bag for her wallet.

Uh oh.

She looked up, then back into her bag before frantically rummaging through her pockets.

The employee cleared his throat before asking, "Oh, um, do you have a point card?" f/n stood in place like a stone.

After a brief moment of panic, f/n stepped outside with a faint smile on her face. Turns out she did have a point card! With a proud look, she continued her journey home with a happy aura surrounding her.

Now rounding the corner next to her house, she finally felt relieved that the hard part was all over. That was the hard part, right?

f/n then unlocked her front door and slipped out of her running shoes into slippers. Just as she was going to go upstairs to her bedroom, she heard a voice.

"And where are you goinggg~" Hayato drew out. "It's way too late for you little miss!" As he began to cross his arms and click his tongue. Before he could say anything else, a fruit sandwich was thrown at his face.

"Oo! Yummy." 

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