Competition's Fierce

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Immediately, the stampede of students continued to trample over each other after hearing the signal to start. f/n stood in the back as she aimed at the top of the tunnel's arch.

Better not mess up now, that'd be embarrassing.

With a quick gesture, f/n lifted herself up using her dragons as smoke trailed behind. In a swing-like fashion, she launched herself over the large crowd and got to the open area up ahead only for the ground to turn to ice.

Todoroki had also made his move, freezing some students into place and making it hard to cross without slipping.

"Ow! What the hell, I can't move!!!" A student yelled yet a large shadow flew above them as many of the class 1-A students had leaped into action.

"We won't let you get away that easily!"

"HA! Todoroki, I've bested you!" Mineta declared as he moved across the ice by jumping on top of the balls that he threw. f/n concentrated the density of her smoke below her shoes as she continued running across without touching the ice.

"It's my killer move, Grape-!" It was only with Mineta's scream that she noticed the robots from the entrance exam were placed in this course.

Present Mic's voice boomed from the speakers with grand enthusiasm. "Here come the obstacles, and the first barrier will be a robo-inferno!!!"

In less than a second, f/n jumped from her previous location and twisted the head of the robot with wiring and sparks fizzing out from it. Before she could continue onward, a huge wall of ice covered a zero-pointer while it was unbalanced.

"Hey, look! There's an opening down there!"

"Looks like he's trying to be sneaky." f/n sneered as she decided to jump over the ice instead of in between its legs.

As she was almost right on Todoroki's tail, the zero-pointer collapsed, accompanied by the shattering of ice crystals all over the race's track.

"Hey, Todoroki!" f/n yelled as he looked over his shoulder once he heard his name. "It's good that you're not underestimating me. 'Cause I'm looking to win and make Bakugou eat his shit!"

Todoroki stared for a few awkward seconds at the smirk resting on f/n's face.

"Sure." He responded before shooting a wall of ice at her. f/n quickly countered by having one of her dragons smash the ice before blocking Todoroki's eyesight with smoke.

Just as she launched her smoke, Present Mic announced over the speakers that they were now entering The Fall. Before her was a huge drop, with pillars of rock only connected by ropes. She watched as Todoroki struggled to wave off the smoke covering his eyes as he used his ice to propel himself across the ropes.

f/n breathed out a heavy exhale before suddenly jumping off the cliff.

"What's this? Class 1-A's f/n l/n suddenly launched herself off into the Fall?!?"

Before Present Mic could make another statement, f/n was seen swinging across each rock pillar, using her dragons as grapples.

"Oh wow, folks! Her movements are a lot like that one American spider hero!"

Just as f/n reached the edge of the cliff where the next event was a few feet ahead, a brash voice yelled into her eye.

"OUT OF THE WAY!" Bakugou exploded as he left dust behind him, making f/n cough as she reached the surface of the ground.

While analyzing the area before her, she noticed Bakugou throwing insults toward Todoroki. She used the distraction as a chance to grapple onto the fence pole several feet away from her, grounded just before the start of the minefield. Imagining the release, she swung herself straight ahead with the force and left a smoke wall behind her, effectively sabotaging the eyesight of other students.

"YO! YOU ISSUED YOUR LITTLE WAR DECLARATION TO THE WRONG PERSON!!!" f/n heard as she finally got close enough to hear what Bakugou was saying to Toddoroki. Only an arm's reach ahead of her were the two students in the lead. Now would be a good time to sneak up ahead if only...

"What's this??!! The two students in the lead better watch out since they've got someone on their tail!!" Present Mic blurted out.

Damn commentary!!!

f/n grimaced as both Todoroki and Bakugou turned to see her right behind them. With a large blast, Bakugou sent an explosion to her face which caused her to almost lose her footing.

"Argh!" f/n cursed as she sent her dragons to wrap around the waist of the two boys. With the tight clutch, their speed was significantly decreased. "I'm going to them drag down with me."

Bakugou snarled as he tried to blow up the smoke only for it to reform around his torso. "LET GO YOU ANNOYING B-"

Abruptly, a giant explosion was heard from the entrance. A large piece of metal seemed to come crashing down from the blast with its speed accelerating. With the two boys looking at the huge burst, f/n took the opportunity to again launch herself ahead with smoke.

Present Mic's commentary allowed her to know that Midoriya, who was on that piece of metal, had overtaken the previous leaders and was now descending right before her.

"The three who were formerly fighting for the lead have now stopped tripping each other up and are now chasing after Midoriya!"

With a quick slam of the metal board, Midoriya had sent another blast right in front of the others, pushing them away.


"I didn't do anything. They just lit the competitive fires within each other." He grumbled underneath his mummified state.

Back on the race course, just as f/n was about to pass Midoriya, Bakugou and Todoroki both reached for her shoulders and pulled her behind them.


As the stadium's uproar continued to become louder, f/n scrambled to get her balance back together. The cheers seemed to drown out her own senses as she felt the fatigue start to consume her body.

"The student who has returned to the none other than Izuku Midoriya!!!" Present Mic screamed into the microphone.

f/n panted as she passed through the tunnel only to see she got 4th. Her hands rested on her bent knees as she leaned against the wall to support herself.

I was so close. This competition isn't so easy.

"Hey l/n, are you alright?" An unstable voice inquired as she looked up to see a panting Midoriya.

f/n wiped the sweat off her forehead before passing by him. "Fine."

"Oh, ok..."

Behind f/n, Midoriya was eventually greeted by his friends congratulating him for his 1st place. She sighed before jolting at the sudden presence of another student before her.

"Excuse me..." f/n mumbled, trying to get out of the way of Bakugou as he stared her down. In due time, the 42 students left in the competition were finally declared. Midnight began to make her way back to the stage in order to announce the next event.

"For the post-preliminaries, the final section! What could it be? I already know what it is but the suspense is killing me!!" She playfully spoke.

"Behold!! A human cavalry battle!"

A team event...

f/n zoned out before her attention was regained after hearing that everyone's points will be received based on their performance in the last trial. With a single sentence, everyone's eyes in the stadium directed towards one person.

"...with the exception of 1st place, whose head is worth ten million points!!!" Midnight happily declared while Midoriya looked stunned in place. f/n breathed out a sigh of relief as she heard the excited whispers of everyone around her.

I probably dodged a bullet there, huh?

After the instructions for the calvary event were laid out, Midnight swung her whip before affirming that students would have 15 minutes to start negotiating their team-ups.

"Hey, join my team."


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